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November 5, 2008   DOL Home > Events Calendar > Search Results   

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Nov 5, 2008 OFCCP Construction Seminar OFCCP Hawaii Area Office will present "Your EEO and AA Contractural Obligations" to construction contractors Honolulu HI ESA OFCCP
Nov 5, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar -Boston,MA The staff of the Boston District Office will conduct a compliance assistance seminar for federal contractors and subcontractors on AAP preparation;tracking and maintenance of personnel activity data; and compensation. Boston MA ESA OFCCP
Nov 5, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar The Boston District Office will conduct a compliance assistance seminar for federal supply and service contractors on the preparation of Affirmative Action Programs; recordkeeping; analysis of personnel transactions; and compensation. Boston MA ESA OFCCP
Nov 6, 2008 OFCCP-Supply & Service Seminar The OFCCP Hartford District Office will conduct a compliance assistance seminar for supply and service federal contractors and subcontractors on the preparation and maintenance of Affirmative Action Programs. Albany NY ESA OFCCP
Nov 6, 2008 OFCCP - Construction Compliance Assistance Training Construction Compliance Assistance Training for federal construction contractors on equal opportunity (EEO) requirements and implementation of the 16 affirmative steps. Birmingham AL ESA OFCCP
Nov 6, 2008 OFCCP - Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) Workshop Review the fundamentals for developing an AAP. Pittsburgh PA ESA OFCCP
Nov 7, 2008 OFCCP - EEO Workplace Symposium - Urban League of Greater Richmond The Urban League of Greater Richmond is sponsoring an EEO Workplace Symposium. Participants include the OFCCP, other federal, state and local agencies, and HR representatives of the federal contractor community Richmond VA ESA OFCCP
Nov 7, 2008 OFCCP- Rutger's University Career Day The OFCCP will provide an agency overview at Rutger's University Career Day. New Brunswick NJ ESA OFCCP
Nov 11, 2008 OFCCP - Construction Compliance Assistance Training Construction Compliance Assistance Training for federal construction contractors on equal opportunity (EEO) requirements and implementation of the 16 affirmative steps. Jackson MS ESA OFCCP
Nov 12, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar - Nashville,TN The staff of the Nashville District Office will conduct a compliance assistance seminar for federal contractors and subcontractors on AAP preparation;tracking and maintenance of personnel activity data; and compensation. Nashville TN ESA OFCCP
Nov 13, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar - Jackson,MS The staff of the Jackson Area Office will conduct a compliance assistance seminar for federal contractors and subcontractors on AAP preparation;tracking and maintenance of personnel activity data; and compensation. Jackson MS ESA OFCCP
Nov 13, 2008 Veterans Job Fair OFCCP San Jose District Office will participate in the Sunnyvale Employment Development Department (EDD) Veterans Job Fair San Jose CA ESA OFCCP
Nov 17, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) of the U.S. Department of Labor is providing training to federal supply and service contractors and subcontractors on the agency's equal employment opportunity laws and regulations. Detriot MI ESA OFCCP
Nov 18, 2008 OFCCP - Women of Influence Program The OFCCP Northeast Region Senior Compliance Assistance Advisor will provide an agency overview at a Women of Influence Program being held at Bergen Community College. Paramus NJ ESA OFCCP
Nov 19, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar The OFCCP Hartford District Office will conduct a seminar for supply and service federal government contractors and subcontractors on the preparation and maintenance of Affirmative Action Programs. Springfield MA ESA OFCCP
Nov 19, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar - Nashville,TN The staff of the Nashville District Office will conduct a compliance assistance seminar for federal contractors and subcontractors on AAP preparation;tracking and maintenance of personnel activity data; and compensation. Nashville TN ESA OFCCP
Nov 19, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar - Miami, Fl The staff of the Miami Area Office will conduct a compliance assistance seminar for federal contractors and subcontractors on G-Five; Online Application Systems Accessibility; and Electronic Reports. Miami FL ESA OFCCP
Nov 19, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar - Columbia,SC The staff of the Columbia Area Office will conduct a compliance assistance seminar for federal contractors and subcontractors on AAP preparation;tracking and maintenance of personnel activity data; and compensation Columbia SC ESA OFCCP
Nov 19, 2008 OFCCP - Blacks In Government Meeting The Boston District Office will participate in a meeting for government employees in the greater Boston Area. Boston MA ESA OFCCP
Nov 20, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar - Birmingham,AL The staff of the Birmingham District Office will conduct a compliance assistance seminar for federal contractors and subcontractors on AAP preparation;tracking and maintenance of personnel activity data; and compensation. Birmingham AL ESA OFCCP
Nov 20, 2008 OFCCP - AAP Development & Preparing for a Desk Audit Training for federal supply and service (nonconstruction) contractors needing assistance with Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) requirements in advance of a compliance evaluation. Baltimore MD ESA OFCCP
Nov 20, 2008 OFCCP ILG Meeting on Agency Updates The Buffalo Area Office Managers will provide an agency update and presentation on the OFCCP "Homestretch" at the quarterly Central Western New York State Industry Liaison Group Meeting. The host contractor is Eastman Kodak Company. Rochester NY ESA OFCCP
Nov 21, 2008 OFCCP - Seminar for Supply and Service Contractors Compliance assistance on how to develop an Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) and what to expect during a compliance evaluation. Richmond VA ESA OFCCP
Nov 25, 2008 OFCCP - Seminar for Construction Contractors Training for federal construction contractors on equal opportunity (EEO) requirements and implementing the 16 affirmative action steps. Richmond VA ESA OFCCP
Dec 2, 2008 OFCCP - Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) Workshop Review the fundamentals for developing an AAP. Pittsburgh PA ESA OFCCP
Dec 3, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar - Nashville,TN The staff of the Nashville District Office will conduct a compliance assistance seminar for federal contractors and subcontractors on AAP preparation;tracking and maintenance of personnel activity data; and compensation. Nashville TN ESA OFCCP
Dec 3, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar The OFCCP Boston District Office will conduct a seminar for federal government contractors and subcontractors on the preparation of Affirmative Action Programs; recordkeeping; analysis of personnel transactions; and compensation. Boston NY ESA OFCCP
Dec 5, 2008 OFCCP - New Jersey ILG Meeting The OFCCP will provide an agency update at the New Jersey ILG Meeting. Morristown NJ ESA OFCCP
Dec 5, 2008 OFCCP - ADA and Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Seminar Seminar on the requeriments of the Americans with Disabilites Act (ADA) and Section 503, and the obligations these two acts impose on employers. Richmond VA ESA OFCCP
Dec 10, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar - Jackson,MS The staff of the Jackson Area Office will conduct a compliance assistance seminar for federal contractors and subcontractors on AAP preparation;tracking and maintenance of personnel activity data; and compensation Jackson MS ESA OFCCP
Dec 10, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar - Nashville,TN The staff of the Nashville District Office will conduct a compliance assistance seminar for federal contractors and subcontractors on AAP preparation;tracking and maintenance of personnel activity data; and compensation. Nashville TN ESA OFCCP
Dec 16, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) of the U.S. Department of Labor is providing training to federal supply and service contractors and subcontractors on the agency's equal employment opportunity laws and regulations. Detroit MI ESA OFCCP
Dec 17, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar - Columbia,SC The staff of the Columbia Area Office will conduct a compliance assistance seminar for federal contractors and subcontractors on AAP preparation;tracking and maintenance of personnel activity data; and compensation Columbia SC ESA OFCCP
Dec 17, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar - Nashville,TN The staff of the Nashville District Office will conduct a compliance assistance seminar for federal contractors and subcontractors on AAP preparation;tracking and maintenance of personnel activity data; and compensation. Nashville TN ESA OFCCP
Dec 17, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar -Boston,MA The OFCCP Boston District Office wil conduct a supply and service seminar for federal government contractors and subcontractors on the preparation of Affirmative Action Programs; recordkeeping;analysis of personnel activity date; and compensation. Boston MA ESA OFCCP
Dec 17, 2008 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar - Miami,FL The staff of the Miami Area Office will conduct a compliance assistance seminar for federal contractors and subcontractors on recruiting and employing people with disabilities. Miami FL ESA OFCCP
Dec 18, 2008 OFCCP - Construction Compliance Assistance Training for federal construction contractors on equal opportunity (EEO) requirements and implementing the 16 affirmative action steps. Baltimore MD ESA OFCCP
Jan 28, 2009 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar - Miami,FL The staff of the Miami Area Office will conduct a compliance assistance seminar for federal contractors and subcontractors on AAP preparation;tracking and maintenance of personnel activity data; and compensation Miami FL ESA OFCCP

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