Table 6.4. Suggested Improvements to Service Supporting the AHRQ QIs

Number (percent) of interviewees making the recommendation Recommendation
10 (19%) Provide a template and guidance for using the QIs for public reporting
10 (19%) Provide guidance on next steps for improving quality once a potential opportunity for improvement is flagged by the QIs
8 (15%) Collaborate with other organizations to create a national standard set of measures
8 (15%) Make QIs more user-friendly (such as simpler indicator names)
7 (13%) Increase responsiveness and speed of user support
6 (11%) Expand outreach and marketing to more people and more audiences
6 (11%) Provide guidance for how consumers should interpret values of QIs
5 (9%) Provide benchmark QI values for various populations
4 (7%) Add a greater educational component to outreach and user support
4 (7%) Develop a comprehensive list of who is using the QIs, how they are using them, and impact they are having
4 (7%) Provide funding for research studies using the QIs
3 (6%) Improve the process of incorporating feedback from users on the QIs
3 (6%) Provide guidance on how coding of discharge data can be improved
2 (4%) Choose 1 statistical software package (SAS or SPSS) and drop the other; also drop/cut back on the PC application
2 (4%) Contract with other organizations to provide outreach, education, user support, and to disseminate information
2 (4%) Make the Fact book series more accessible
1 (2%) AHRQ staff should do communication and relationship-building directly with state agencies rather than using a contractor
1 (2%) Develop basic educational materials appropriate for local/hospital level (QI director) rather than a researcher, who is already familiar with material, and disseminate them widely
1 (2%) Develop something like the Dartmouth Atlas charts showing geographic variations in QIs – would help choose which QIs to report
1 (2%) Make formulas easier to access – some formulas are buried in documents and SAS code and some are missing from documentation
1 (2%) Provide code for STATA
1 (2%) Provide FAQs, list of questions already answered, for quick reference
1 (2%) Provide outreach to promote use of PQIs
1 (2%) Provide print outreach materials, not just email
1 (2%) Provide software for Macintosh computers
1 (2%) Standardize the layout/organization of documentation across measure sets

Source: RAND analysis of interview responses.

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