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SmartBUY SmartBUY Policy Corner


The following are E-Government (E-Gov),  Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and General Services Administration (GSA) regulatory policies and directives regarding the establishment and operation of the SmartBUY Program:

E-Gov Documents

Document Number

Issued Date


EG 01 04/01/2003

Executive Office of the President, Implementing the Presidents Management Agenda for E-Government    President E-Gov Strategy  [PDF]

OMB Documents

Document Number

Issued Date


OMB 01 06/02/2003

Office of Management and Budget, Reducing Cost and Improving Quality in Federal Purchases of Commercial Software- Memo M-03-14, From Mitchell Daniels
Reducing Cost and Improving Quality  [PDF]

OMB 02 06/05/2003

Office of Management and Budget, Bush Administration Moves to Get Volume Discounts on Software
Volume Discounts [PDF]

OMB 03 07/01/2004

Office of Management and Budget, Interim SmartBUY Procedures,
Interim SmartBUY Procedures  [PDF]

OMB 04 02/25/2004

Office of Management and Budget, Maximizing Use of SmartBuy and Avoiding Duplication of Agency Activities with the Presidents 24 E-Gov Initiatives, Memo M-04-08, From Karen Evans
Maximizing Use of SmartBUY  [PDF]

OMB 05 07/01/2004

Office of Management and Budget, Software Acquisition, Memo M-04-16, From Karen Evans/Robert Burton
Software Acquisition [PDF]

OMB 06 08/04/2005

Office of Management and Budget, Improving Information Technology (IT) Project Planning and Execution, Memo M-05-23, From Karen Evans
Improving IT Planning and Execution [PDF]

OMB 07 08/25/2005

Office of Management and Budget, SmartBUY Agreement with Oracle, Memo M-05-25, From Karen Evans
Oracle SmartBUY Agreement [PDF]

OMB 08 06/23/2006

Office of Management and Budget, Protection of Sensitive Agency Information, Memo M-06-16, From Clay Johnson III,
Protection of Sensitive Agency Information[PDF]

OMB 09 03/22/2007

Office of Management and Budget, Implementation of Commonly Accepted Security Configurations for Windows Operating Systems, Memo M-07-11, From Clay Johnson III
Implementation of Commonly Accepted Security Configurations [PDF]

OMB 10 06/01/2007

Office of Management and Budget, Ensuring New Acquisitions Include Common Security Configurations, Memo M-07-18, From Karen Evans/Paul Denett
Ensuring New Acquisitions Include Common Security Configurations [PDF]

OMB 11 03/31/2008

Office of Management and Budget, Tools Available for Implementing Electronic Records Management, Memo M-08-15, From Karen Evans
Tools Available for Implementing Electronic Records Management [PDF]

OMB 12 08/11/2008

Office of Management and Budget, Guidance on the Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC), Memo M-08-22, From Karen Evans
Guidance on the Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC) [PDF]

GSA Documents

Document Number

Issued Date


GSA 01 08/2006 General Services Administration, Federal Acquisitions Service Office, SmartBUY Governance Process,
SmartBUY Governance Model 8-06  [Word]
GSA 02 08/06/2004 General Services Administration, Federal Acquisitions Service Office, SmartBUY Waiver Process
SmartBUY Waiver Process  [Word]