Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations
photos of truck, cargo ship, airplane and freight train
Office of Operations  -  21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Freight Transportation Gateways and Connectors Fact Sheet

Program Purpose

The purpose of the Freight Gateways program is to institutionalize freight considerations and needs into the traditional transportation development process and increase investments for intermodal improvements at our major freight gateways and connectors.

This program broadens the flexibility of States and metropolitan planning organizations in meeting today's complex freight challenges through a combination of eligibility changes, innovative finance emphasis, and targeted investment.

Systemic, intermodal improvements for freight movement into and through major trade transport gateways and hubs, and improvements to the transportation infrastructure that connects these gateways to the Nation's mainline transportation networks will relieve congestion related to high levels of truck traffic and facilitate the movement of military vehicles and equipment.

SAFETEA Section(s): 1205, 1304
Statutory Citation (current law): NA


No separate funding is provided. Federal-aid funds may be used as follows:

STP - freight gateways

Adds eligibility to Surface Transportation Program allowing a State to use its STP funds for publicly owned intermodal freight transportation projects that provide community and highway benefits by addressing economic, congestion, security, safety, and environmental issues associated with freight transportation gateways.

NHS - intermodal connectors

Creates a new set-aside from each State's NHS apportionment

  • amount to be set aside in each State determined by the proportion of freight/STRAHNET(Strategic Highway Network) connector miles in the State compared to the total NHS mileage in the State
  • minimum set-aside of 2% of State's NHS apportionment
  • exemption from set-aside allowed if State shows that connectors in the State are in good condition and providing an adequate level of service.


Definition of "project" for the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) program is amended to include "a public or private freight rail facility." [1304]

Federal Share

Up to 90% Federal share for freight and STRAHNET connector improvements projects.


STP funds

  • publicly-owned intermodal freight transfer facilities
  • access to such facilities
  • operational improvements for such facilities (including capital investment for Intelligent Transportation Systems

NHS funds

  • NHS routes connecting to intermodal freight terminals identified according to criteria set forth in the report to Congress entitled "Pulling Together: The National Highway System and its Connections to Major Intermodal Terminals" dated May 24, 1996, as modified
  • STRAHNET connectors to strategic military deployment ports.

Program Features

Defines 'freight transportation gateway' as a nationally or regionally significant transportation port of entry or hub for domestic and global trade, military mobilization, and includes freight intermodal and Strategic Highway Network connections that provide access to and from these gateways.

Integration into project development

  • Each State must ensure that intermodal freight transportation needs are integrated into the project development process, including transportation planning.

Freight transportation coordinator position

  • Requires each State to designate a coordinator, who will be responsible for fostering public and private collaboration in regional solutions to freight transportation and freight gateway problems.

States and localities are encouraged to adopt innovative financing strategies for freight gateway improvements, including new user fees and private sector investment.

Office of Operations