BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

China Local time: 11:57 PM



Located on the southern tip of the Shandong Peninsula, Qingdao is one of eastern China’s major economic centers. Nestled between mountains and ocean, Qingdao’s unique cityscape is studded with lovely beaches, classic European architecture and ample green landscape. The city is well known for its historic and scenic tourist attractions, as well as being one of the best places in China to live and do business.

The World Bank honored Qingdao as one of China’s six “Golden cities” (a measure of investment climate, harmoniousness, governance and other measures). In recent years, the city has attracted billions in foreign direct investment and engages in trade with virtually every country on the planet. Among the city’s 17,854 foreign investment projects, 76 Fortune 500 companies have established projects in Qingdao.

Qingdao’s Leading Industries


Qingdao’s leading industries include automobiles, consumer electronics, building materials, shipbuilding, cargo handling, petrochemicals, steel, alcohol, textiles & apparel, food processing equipment and chemical fertilizer.


The Commercial Service and its partner, the China Council for Promotion of International Trade, are constantly developing new trade leads. To search for leads in Qingdao and the northern region, visit ourtrade leads database.


Review trade shows supported by the Commercial Service in China


Ms. Julie Jiang
U.S. Commercial Service - Beijing
31st Floor, North Tower,
Beijing Kerry Center, No. 1 Guanghua Lu
Beijing 100020, China
Tel: (86-10) 8529-6655
Fax: (86-10) 8529-6558/9