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Organization Chart Under Secretary Deputy Under Secretary Associate U/S for Communications Associate U/S for Management Office of Administration Office of the Chief Information Officer STAT-USA Chief Economist Office of Policy Development Office of Economic Conditions Bureau of Census Bureau of Economic Analysis


Under Secretary for Economic Affairs

The Under Secretary for Economic Affairs serves as the principal adviser to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary on economic issues, and oversees the activities of the US Census Bureau and the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The Under Secretary also serves as the Department's representative to the Council on Economic Advisers, interagency panels on economic issues, and other government agencies concerned with economic matters. The Under Secretary is responsible for the analysis and development of policies on economic and statistical issues, and on issues affecting broad sectors of the domestic economy in response to the needs and interests of the Secretary or Deputy Secretary. The Under Secretary's principal responsibilities include: economic forecasting; consultation with the private sector on economic and broad economic sectoral developments; and policy analysis and development in the areas of economic policy.

Cynthia A Glassman - Under Secretary for Economic Affairs
Linda K Bonney - Executive Assistant


Chief Economist

The Chief Economist is the Under Secretary's principal adviser on economic matters. The Chief Economist also serves as a special adviser to the Secretary of Commerce and as a member of the Secretary's principal management team. The Office of the Chief Economist conducts analyses of policy proposals with macroeconomics implications; monitors and interprets current economic developments and domestic fiscal and monetary policy; analyzes economic conditions and policy initiatives of major trading partners; makes projections of the economic outlook; analyzes major economic policy developments for use by senior White House officials and the Secretary's and Under Secretary's participation in interagency deliberations; and takes part in discussions of policies affecting statistical agencies. The Office of Economic Conditions and the Office of Policy Development report to the Chief Economist.

Joseph V Kennedy - Chief Economist
Jocelyn Burston - Intern
Rebecca Lehrman - Intern


  • Office of Economic Conditions

    The Office of Economic Conditions (OEC) provides current economic analysis of major economic data releases and provides a weekly commentary on current economic and financial developments, analyses of major economic data releases, and press statements, briefing material, and analyses on topics of special interest to the Chief Economist and other senior officials.

  • Carl E Cox - Director
    John H Tschetter - Deputy Director
    George T McKittrick - Economist
    Fenwick Yu - Economist
    David R Payne - Economist
    Alis Asadurian - Economist


  • Office of Policy Development

    The Office of Policy Development (OPD) advises the Chief Economist and the Under Secretary on the structure and performance of American industry, the relationship between industry-level and more general economic developments, and on policies affecting U.S. industrial performance and the economy at large. The office conducts policy analyses and develops policy proposals on issues affecting multiple business sectors, such as antitrust, product liability, business deregulation, corporate finance, business tax policy, employment and training, pensions, technology policy, health care financing, and human services. OPD also conducts analyses of proposed policies, regulations, and laws and develops proposed positions on them; develops Departmental positions on microeconomic issues for the Cabinet policy process; represents the Department on Cabinet working groups and interagency committees dealing with issues affecting business; coordinates environmental economic and statistical activities; and integrates ESA's statistical and economic analyses with the government's policy process. The Office is an authoritative source of economic research on the digital economy and prepares the Department's annual Digital Economy report.

    Jane W Molloy - Director
    Danny Bachman - Deputy Director
    Patricia A Buckley - Senior Policy Advisor
    David K Henry - Commodity Industry Specialist
    Sandra D Cooke - Economist
    David N Beede - Economist
    Kemble Stokes - Economist
    Sabrina L Montes - Economist
    Jacqueline L Savukinas - Economist
    Cassandra A Ingram - Economist
    Donald H Dalton Jr. - Economist
    Beethika S Khan - Economist


Associate Under Secretary for Communications

The Associate Under Secretary for Communications provides general oversight and coordination of all matters in ESA relating to legislation, congressional affairs and liaison, public affairs, and intergovernmental affairs.

Jack McDougle - Deputy Under Secretary for Economic Affairs
Patricia G Radford - Special Assistant
Clark L Reid - Government & Public Affairs Specialist
Jane A Callen - Economic Information Officer
Jacque Mason - Communications & Advisory Committee Liaison


Associate Under Secretary for Management

The Associate Under Secretary for Management provides oversight and direction on management, budget, and administrative activities for all units reporting to the Under Secretary and ensures that staff work and resources are implemented effectively and in accordance with the Under Secretary's objectives and policies. STAT-USA, CIO and CFO report to the Associate Under Secretary for Management.

James K (Kim) White - Associate Under Secretary for Management
Pamela Moulder - Senior Program Analyst
Maria L Contreras - Program Analyst
Ileana Gabriel-Martinez - Information Technology Specialist
Monique H Smith - Program Assistant

  • Chief Information Officer

    The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is responsible for developing and coordinating ESA's strategic information technology (IT) plan and operational plans; establishing and administering IT policies, procedures, and standards; planning and managing IT architecture; providing and supporting IT infrastructure; reviewing and approving IT systems development and acquisitions; approving and coordinating the development and deployment of ESA's systems applications; planning, operating, and coordinating the Local Area Network (LAN); providing PC help desk support; managing enterprise-wide information management activities, including support for Internet World Wide Web activities, coordinating IT security activities, managing all VoIP telephony services, coordinating COOP IT implementation strategies and maintaining liaison with Department counterpart offices.


    STAT-USA is a fee-funded office that develops and operates electronic information systems to deliver government economic, business, statistical, and foreign trade information to the public, primarily through subscription on-line services. STAT-USA's flagship product, STAT-USA/Internet, is a subscription based Internet site that contains the international trade information of the National Trade Data Bank (NTDB) as well as an extensive collection of domestic economic data. Customers can view, print, and download trade opportunity leads, market reports, economic releases, and more from the State Department, the Bureau of Export Administration, the Federal Reserve Board, the Census Bureau, and others. USA Trade On-line, a joint venture with the Census Bureau and a private partner, is the latest STAT-USA product, offering trade statistics to subscribers within minutes of release.

    Francine Krasowska - Director
    Bruce Guthrie - Senior Research & Development Manager
    Tahira Murphy - Operations and Finance Manager
    Dee Atwell - Marketing & Business Development Specialist
    Tanya Shen - Information Technology Specialist
    Gerry Brown - Business Information Analyst
    Terri Long - Business Information Analyst
    Donna Moore - Program Analyst
    Sarita Moore - Program Assistant
    Brent Hendershot - Information Technology Specialist


  • Office of Finance & Administration

    The Office of Finance & Administration (OFA) provides administrative support for the Under Secretary of Economic Affairs and ESA Headquarters program offices. It is responsible for the planning, budget and financial services of ESA Headquarters, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). This includes: strategic planning, budget formulation and presentation, preparation of short-term budget projections and operating plans, overseeing financial activities, initiating and processing interagency, cooperative and joint project agreements, and advising managers on decisions that include budget or financial aspects. OFA also provides personal security, personal property management, procurement, training, and administrative management services in the areas of travel, training, space, records management, and the transportation subsidy program.

    Vacant - Chief Financial Officer
    Joanne Buenzli - Deputy Chief Financial Officer
    Wesley C Dias - Program Analyst
    Francine A McCullough - Budget Analyst
    Melva C Smith - Budget Assistant
    Victor Thomas, Jr. - NAF Intern



The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reports to the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs. BEA produces some of the most closely watched economic statistics that influence the decisions made by government officials, business people, households, and individuals. For more information about BEA go to the web site:


Census Bureau

The Census Bureau reports to the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs. It's the nation's preeminent collector and provider of timely, relevant, and quality data about the people and economy of the United States. For more information about Census go to the web site:



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