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Non-Ferrous Ores and Metals

Trade and Tariffs

This sector is defined by the Uruguay Round sectoral initiative on non-ferrous ores and metals. Non-ferrous ores and metals accounted for 0.7 percent of total U.S. non-textile industrial exports to Bahrain in 2002, totaling $1.0 million. Top U.S. exports in this sector were aluminum foil, lead-acid batteries, and copper alloy tube or pipe fittings.

Bahrain’s tariffs on non-ferrous ores and metal products range from 0.0 to 20.0 percent, averaging 5.0 percent. The highest tariffs in this sector apply to aluminum bars, rods, and profiles, aluminum alloy hollow profiles, and certain aluminum foil products.

Bahrain’s exports to the United States in this sector totaled $63.9 million in 2002, or 59.9 percent of the country’s total non-textile industrial exports to the United States. Aluminum alloy plates, sheets, and strips lead Bahraini exports in this sector. The United States applies tariffs of 0 to 15 percent on these products, with an average tariff of 2.5 percent. The highest U.S. duties apply to titanium.

Tariff Elimination

Tariffs will be phased out according to two tariff elimination categories: immediate elimination, and equal cuts over ten years. One hundred percent of bilateral non-ferrous ores and metal trade will be duty free immediately upon implementation of this Agreement. Bahrain will eliminate its duties on certain non-traded aluminum bars, rods and foil products over the course of ten years.

Download the Report

Click here to view a printable (.pdf) version of the Non-Ferrous Ores and Metals Sector Report for the U.S.-Australia FTA.

Prepared by:

International Trade Administration
Manufacturing and Services
Office of Industry Trade Policy


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