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Ferrous Ores and Metals

Trade and Tariffs

The ferrous ores and metals sector is defined by the Uruguay Round sectoral initiative on steel. Ferrous ores and metals accounted for about 2 percent of total U.S. non-textile industrial goods exports to Bahrain, averaging $3 million . Top U.S. exports in the sector are tubes, pipes and hollow profiles of cast iron. Bahraini tariffs on ferrous metals products are fixed at 5 percent.

Bahrain’s exports of ferrous metal products to the United States are minimal. Tariffs applied by the United States range from zero to 10 percent on non-steel products, and are zero for steel products. The highest tariffs are applied to ferrosilicon chromium.

Tariff Elimination

Both sides will eliminate duties on imports of ferrous ore and metal from the other Party immediately upon implementation of the agreement.

Download the Report

Click here to view a printable (.pdf) version of the Ferrous Ores and Metals Sector Report for the U.S.-Australia FTA.

Prepared by:

International Trade Administration
Manufacturing and Services
Office of Industry Trade Policy


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