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Aircraft & Related Products

Trade and Tariffs

Aircraft and related products account for approximately .09 percent of total U.S. non-textile industrial exports to Bahrain totaling $132,489. Navigational equipment dominates U.S. exports in this sector.

Bahrain’s tariffs on aerospace products range from 0 to 5 percent, with an average of 3.8 percent. All products in this sector face a 5 percent tariff with the exception of helicopters and airplanes. These products face a zero percent tariff.

Bahrain’s exports to the United States in aerospace are negligible. The United States, as a party to the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft, applies duty-free treatment on an MFN basis to these products.

Tariff Elimination

Both sides will eliminate duties on imports of aircraft and related products from the other Party immediately upon implementation of the agreement.

Download the Report

Click here to view a printable (.pdf) version of the Aircraft & Related Products Sector Report for the U.S.-Australia FTA.

Prepared by:

International Trade Administration
Manufacturing and Services
Office of Industry Trade Policy


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