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FDLP Promotion Plan

In early November 2001 a GPO working group was convened to develop a marketing strategy to increase awareness of the FDLP among various constituencies. Led by the Chief of the Program Awareness Office, with representation from Library Programs Service (LPS) and the Office of Electronic Information Dissemination Services (EIDS), the Group has produced a promotion plan around the theme "U.S. Government Information: Make the Connection at a Federal Depository Library."

U.S. Government Information: Make the Connection at a Federal Depository Library graphic

FDLP Promotion Plan  [ pdf ]     Executive Summary  [ html ] [ pdf ]

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A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated:  September 11, 2002
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pr/plan_main.html