Posts Tagged ‘Question of the Week Follow-up’

Follow-Up: What Do You Use: Paper, Plastic, or Reusable Bags?

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008

About the author: Dominic Bridgers was a summer intern in the Office of Public Affairs.

I never really thought about what bags I use when I go to the grocery store. I usually tend to get plastic, because I feel I can reuse a plastic bag over and over again for taking out the trash, bringing in lunch, picking up the dog’s mess, etc.

Reusable 110, Plastic 22, Paper 21I collected data from the July 21st Question of the Week, “What do you use: Paper, Plastic, or Reusable bags?” Among people who use paper or plastic, the answer came down to be pretty even. However, I was very surprised to see that almost all of the commenters said that they use reusable bags. The reason why most people use reusable bags is because they feel as if those bags are sturdier and they hold more. I must say that when that I am in the grocery store, I have not once seen a person with a reusable bag!

Thank you for taking your time in responding to “What do you use: Paper, Plastic, or Reusable bags?”

Follow Up: What Would Make You Change your Driving Habits?

Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

About the author: Dominic Bridgers joined EPA’s Office of Public Affairs as a summer intern.

I believe a lot of people are changing their driving habits. I have done so myself. Usually, I tend to make one big trip. During the week I only drive from my house to the Metro in order for my commute to work. On the weekends I take my car for a spin once or try to carpool with my friends wherever we go.

Public transportation 56, High Gas Prices 25, Flexible Schedule 19, Saving Money 7, Working at Home 4I read some typical responses from the June 30th Question of the Week: “What would convince you to change your driving habits?” Almost half of you said if there was better access to public transportation you would dump the car and hop on a bus. Then, a quarter of you said you would change your driving habits based on the high gas prices we are facing, and another bunch said if their schedule was more flexible then you would change your driving ways. The rest suggested other things that would change their driving habits, like saving money, being able to work at home, and if it was easier to bike safely.

Thanks for your time in responding to “What would convince you to change your driving habits?”

Follow-up: How Far Do You Live From Where You Work or Play?

Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

About the author: Dominic Bridgers joined EPA’s Office of Public Affairs as a summer intern.

I live in the DC Metropolitan area and I commute to EPA - first I drive to the nearest metro station which is about a 6 mile drive. Then I take the train to work which is about a 30 minute ride. From my house to the headquarters of EPA it is about a 24 mile drive one way. But then I would run into the DC rush hour traffic which is not a pleasurable morning ride. So therefore, I take the train which is less stressful and saves me some money on gas so I can play on the weekends. I play within a 10 mile radius from my house. I’m lucky that all the things that I enjoy doing are so close to my house because if not, I would be filling up the tank every other day.

I have read the responses to the June 2nd question of the week, “How far do you live from where you work or play?” and here is a summary. Most of you said you live within 24 miles of where you work or play. A little less than half of you said you are about 25-49 miles away. And about a dozen said you live 50-75 miles away and a handful live 75 miles or more. Wow, have you ever thought about moving closer? Thanks for your time in posting how far your commute is from where you work or play.