Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations
photos of truck, cargo ship, airplane and freight train
Office of Operations  -  21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Current News

Title Talking Freight Seminar on November 19, 2008: Freight and Land Use
Date Posted 10/15/2008
Description Freight transportation planning, and its associated land use impacts, is a critical planning issue. Modern freight standards are increasingly leading to the obsolescence of older and established industrial and freight-related districts in metropolitan areas. The challenge of consolidating existing developed sites with differing owners, in combination with expected citizen opposition to expansion plans in some areas, leads many freight dependent industries to relocate to suburban and rural areas. MPOs are increasingly faced with addressing the transportation challenges created by these shifting freight movement patterns. This seminar will identify strategies that MPOs can apply to improve coordination between freight-related land use planning and transportation planning.
Office of Operations