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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Performance Budget Submission for Congressional Justification

Figure 4. Percent of Population with Active Asthma by Age and Sex

Bar Chart: Total percent of population: Total with asthma, 3.5%; Males, 2.8%, Females, 4.1%; Under 18 years: Total with asthma, 4.4%; Males, 5.4%, Females, 3.4%; 18 years and older: Total with asthma, 3.1%; Males, 1.9%, Females, 4.3%;

Source: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, 2000

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Figure 5. National Survey Detail Americans' Experiences with Asthma Treatment and Medications

  • Children under the age of 18 were more likely than adults to use asthma medications, but less likely than adults to use inhaled steroids. About one-third of asthmatics have a peak flow meter in the home.
  • Females were more likely than males to use inhaled steroids and were more likely to have a peak flow meter at home.
  • Children under the age of 18 were more likely than adults to have asthma. Among children, males were more likely than females to have active asthma. Among adults females were more likely than males to have active asthma.

Source: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, 2000

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