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Proceedings of the 2d Annual
Federal Depository Library Conference, 1993

May 19–26, 1993

Table of Contents


by Jay Baumgardner
by Jay Baumgardner
Deputy Director, Library Programs Service

Thank you Judy. Ladies and gentlemen of the library community, welcome to Washington!

I was assigned to my current position on January 5, 1993, by the Superintendent of Documents. The job is operational in nature, to insure that day-to-day operations are carried out. I am also responsible for insuring that all operating units stay within their operating budgets.

A number of items have been administered to since the first of the year. Chief among these is ACSIS - the automated Acquisition, Classification and Shipment Information System, which replaced a manual system. ACSIS implementation is now in its 8th month. It has caused an interim reorganization of the Depository Administration Branch, which is currently made up of three sections designed to support ACSIS. These are:

n Classification and Control Section

n Acquisitions/Micrographics Control Section

n Administrative and Systems Control Section.

I have also concentrated on a number of other areas to establish policy and procedures and provide continuity. Some of our recent accomplishments are:

n Establishing a claims policy;

n Providing an explanation of symbols used for claims on each Shipping List;

n Defining Claims Core List publications;

n Expediting Congressional shipments;

n Establishing a short shipment and raincheck policy, including the rainchecks for shorts dating back to 1987.

We are committed to notifying the library community, through Administrative Notes, of all changes in procedures and policies that affect depositories.

Later on today, during the Information Exchange, time will be available for you to discuss in depth a number of the subjects I have mentioned with other members of the staff.

As my time is almost exhausted, I would like to introduce the next speaker and member of the team, Gil Baldwin. Gil is familiar to many of you. He has been with GPO since 1973, when he started as an indexer in the Congressional Record Index Office. He joined the Library Programs Service as a cataloger in 1974 and has since served in a variety of positions. He was a cataloging section supervisor for several years, followed by a year as a program analyst in our technical support area. He was chief of the Cataloging Branch from 1986 through 1990, and then headed up the Library Division until the LPS reorganization of September 1992. Since that time he has served as head of the LPS administrative support staff.

Table of Contents

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated:  September 26, 2002
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/proceedings/93pro3.html
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