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Documents Related to the ITS Costs Database

Congestion Initiative Leaflets

One element of the U.S. DOT's Congestion Initiative, National Strategy to Reduce Congestion on America's Transportation Network, released in May 2006, is to promote the use of new technologies, such as Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).

A series of leaflets published in January 2007 discusses how ITS technologies can be used in traffic incident management, traveler information, work zones, and traffic signal control to curb congestion and smooth traffic flow. Developed jointly by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the ITS Joint Program Office, the leaflets summarize the benefits, costs, extent of deployment, and lessons learned about these congestion-battling strategies. Information in the leaflets is taken from the ITS Decisionmakers' Resources – the ITS Benefits Database (, the ITS Costs Database (, the ITS Deployment Statistics Database (, and the ITS Lessons Learned Knowledge Resource ( – and other sources. The online version of each leaflet contains a full list of all sources used, so that all information presented in the leaflets is backed up with supporting documentation.

ITS for Traffic Incident Management: Download PDF, HTML

ITS for Traveler Information: Download PDF, HTML

ITS for Work Zones: Download PDF, HTML

ITS for Traffic Signal Control: Download PDF, HTML

ITS Benefits, Costs, and Lessons Learned: 2005 Update HTML

This report is a continuation of a series of reports providing a snapshot of the information collected by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) ITS Joint Program Office (JPO) on the impact that ITS projects have on the operation of the surface transportation network. New in the 2005 report is the introduction of summaries of lessons learned from ITS planning, deployment, operation, maintenance, and evaluation experience.

Free printed copies of the full report are available, by e-mailing

Benefits and Costs Database Information from the NTOC "Action Kit" Download PDF HTML

This document is a two-page overview on how to use the ITS Benefits and Costs Databases. It is part of the NTOC "Action Kit" -- a series of summaries, checklists, and outlines -- designed to be a useful reference tool for practicing professionals on a variety of topics related to transportation system management and operations.

ITS Taxonomy Download PDF HTML

The Taxonomy is the classification scheme used to categorize system costs summaries. The figure contained in the PDF file depicts the categories used within the "Browse System Costs By Application" section of the Costs Database.

ITS Benefits and Costs: 2003 Update HTML

For the first time, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is presenting in one document benefits and costs information for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) implementations. Intelligent Transportation Systems Benefits and Costs: 2003 Update represents a culmination of DOT’s active 10-year data collection on the impact of ITS projects on surface transportation and the cost of implementing them. This compendium builds on previous ITS benefits reports, and refers readers to the online database as well as cited references for additional details on the examples cited.

The HTML version of this report provides links to relevant information within the ITS Benefits and Unit Costs database. Look for the "Benefits" links, and links to the Unit Costs subsystems in each section of the report.

Free printed copies of the report are also available, by e-mailing

ITS Unit Costs Download XLS PDF

The ITS Unit Costs file is a downloadable version of the ITS unit costs data. The costs are accessible as unadjusted and adjusted values. Information on indexes used to adjust the costs is also available. The index number corresponds to the index used to adjust the cost data. The index is representative of the ITS element. For example, the first element in Roadside Detection, Inductive Loop Surveillance on Corridor, is tagged with Index 2. Index 2 is WPU1178 and is applied to elements that contain electronic components. The capital cost range is an adjusted value and was adjusted from 2001 (see column labeled "Adjusted From Date"). The O&M costs are 2005 values obtained in a Noblis analysis (as such, no adjustment needed). The Excel file consists of four (4) worksheets: unadjusted cost spreadsheet, indexes used in adjusting cost values, adjusted cost spreadsheet, and reference notes (similar to the information on this web page). The PDF document contains the same information as the Excel file.

Working Paper: National Costs of the Metropolitan ITS Infrastructure: Updated with 2005 Deployment Data (updated July 2006) Download PDF HTML

This working paper has been prepared to provide new estimates of the costs to deploy Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) infrastructure elements in the largest metropolitan areas in the United States. It builds upon estimates that were distributed in June 1995 by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).* Since 1995, new sources of ITS cost estimates have appeared. Hence, it is now useful to determine whether the national deployment cost estimate has changed appreciably. The working paper reflects the cost estimates to deploy ITS infrastructure based on 2005 deployment values. Updates to this working paper coincide with the results from tracking the deployment of ITS in the United States. To date deployment tracking data are available for 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2005. The original working paper (dated September 1999) was written to update the 1995 cost estimate and to develop estimates of the investments that must still be made using the 1997 deployment tracking results. Deployment tracking results from 1999, 2000, 2002, and 2004 were incorporated into the first, second, third, and fourth revisions of this paper (dated August 2000, July 2001, and October 2003, October 2005, respectively) with the majority of the updates contained within the addendum to the original document. With the 2005 deployment tracking data now available, the national deployment cost estimate can be updated again. As with the fourth revision, the new cost estimate is documented here as a standalone report. Details on the methodology for developing estimates, and how costs and quantities were derived can be found in previous versions of the working paper.


*Office of Traffic Management and Intelligent Transportation Systems (HTV-10), Cost Estimate and Assumptions for the Core Infrastructure, FHWA, June 1995. The ITS Infrastructure was called the Core Infrastructure in 1995.

Working Paper: National Costs of the Metropolitan ITS Infrastructure: Updated with 2004 Deployment Data (updated October 2005) Download PDF HTML

This working paper has been prepared to provide new estimates of the costs to deploy Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) infrastructure elements in the largest metropolitan areas in the United States. It builds upon estimates that were distributed in June 1995 by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).* Since 1995, new sources of ITS cost estimates have appeared. Hence, it is now useful to determine whether the national deployment cost estimate has changed appreciably. The working paper reflects the cost estimates to deploy ITS infrastructure based on 2004 deployment values. Updates to this working paper coincide with the results from tracking the deployment of ITS in the United States. To date deployment tracking data are available for 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002, and 2004. The original working paper (dated September 1999) was written to update the 1995 cost estimate and to develop estimates of the investments that must still be made using the 1997 deployment tracking results. Deployment tracking results from 1999, 2000, and 2002 were incorporated into the first, second, and third revisions of this paper (dated August 2000, July 2001, and October 2003, respectively) with the majority of the updates contained within the addendum to the original document. With the 2004 deployment tracking data now available, the national deployment cost estimate can be updated again. However, for this iteration the new cost estimate is documented as a standalone report. Details on the methodology for developing estimates, and how costs and quantities were derived can be found in previous versions of the working paper.


*Office of Traffic Management and Intelligent Transportation Systems (HTV-10), Cost Estimate and Assumptions for the Core Infrastructure, FHWA, June 1995. The ITS Infrastructure was called the Core Infrastructure in 1995.

Working Paper: National Costs of the Metropolitan ITS Infrastructure: Updated with 2002 Deployment Data (updated October 2003) Download PDF

This working paper has been prepared to provide new estimates of the costs to deploy Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) infrastructure elements in the largest metropolitan areas in the United States. It builds upon estimates that were distributed in June 1995 by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).* Since 1995, new sources of ITS cost estimates have appeared. Hence, it is now useful to determine whether the national deployment cost estimate has changed appreciably. The working paper reflects the cost estimates to deploy ITS infrastructure based on 2002 deployment values. Updates to this working paper coincide with the results from tracking the deployment of ITS in the United States. To date deployment tracking data are available for 1997, 1999, 2000, and 2002. The original working paper (dated September 1999) was written to update the 1995 cost estimate and to develop estimates of the investments that must still be made using the 1997 deployment tracking results. Since that time, deployment tracking results from 1999 and 2000 have become available and incorporated into the first and second revisions of this working paper. With the 2002 deployment tracking data now available, it is time to update the national deployment cost estimate. As with previous revisions, the majority of the updates will be contained in the addendum.


*Office of Traffic Management and Intelligent Transportation Systems (HTV-10), Cost Estimate and Assumptions for the Core Infrastructure, FHWA, June 1995. The ITS Infrastructure was called the Core Infrastructure in 1995.

Working Paper: National Costs of the Metropolitan ITS Infrastructure: Update to the FHWA 1995 Report (updated July 2001) Download PDF HTML

This working paper has been prepared to provide new estimates of the costs to deploy Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) infrastructure elements in the largest metropolitan areas in the United States. It builds upon estimates that were distributed in June 1995 by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).* Since 1995, new sources of ITS cost estimates have appeared. Hence, it is now useful to determine whether the national deployment cost estimate has changed appreciably. The working paper reflects the cost estimates to deploy ITS infrastructure based on 2000 deployment values.Updates to this working paper coincide with the results from tracking the deployment of ITS in the United States. To date deployment tracking data are available for 1997, 1999, and 2000. The original working paper (dated September 1999) was written to update the 1995 cost estimate using the 1997 deployment tracking results. Since that time, deployment tracking results from 1999 have become available and incorporated into the first revision of this working paper (dated August 2000). The first update was in the form of an addendum to the original document. With the 2000 deployment tracking data now available, it is time to update the national deployment cost estimate. This second revision of the working paper will be again in the form of an addendum and can be found at the end of the original report.


*Office of Traffic Management and Intelligent Transportation Systems (HTV-10), Cost Estimate and Assumptions for the Core Infrastructure, FHWA, June 1995. The ITS Infrastructure was called the Core Infrastructure in 1995.

Working Paper: National Costs of the Metropolitan ITS Infrastructure: Update to the FHWA 1995 Report (updated August 2000) Download PDF

This working paper has been prepared to provide new estimates of the costs to deploy Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) infrastructure elements in the largest metropolitan areas in the United States. It builds upon estimates that were distributed in June 1995 by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)*. Since 1995, new sources of ITS cost estimates have appeared. Hence, it is now useful to determine whether the national deployment cost estimate has changed appreciably. The working paper reflects the cost estimates to deploy ITS infrastructure based on 1999 deployment values. Updates to this working paper coincide with the results from tracking the deployment of ITS in the United States. The original working paper was written to update the 1995 cost estimate using the 1997 deployment tracking results. Deployment tracking results from 1999 have become available and incorporated into this working paper in the form of an addendum to the original document. Sections of the original report affected are 3D, 4, and 5.


*Office of Traffic Management and Intelligent Transportation Systems (HTV-10), Cost Estimate and Assumptions for the Core Infrastructure, FHWA, June 1995. The ITS Infrastructure was called the Core Infrastructure in 1995.

Working Paper: National Costs of the Metropolitan ITS Infrastructure: Update to the FHWA 1995 Report (September 1999) Download PDF

This working paper has been prepared to provide new estimates of the costs to deploy Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) infrastructure elements in the largest metropolitan areas in the United States. It builds upon estimates that were distributed in June 1995 by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).* Since 1995, new sources of ITS cost estimates have appeared. Hence, it is now useful to determine whether the national deployment cost estimate has changed appreciably. The working paper reflects the cost estimates to deploy ITS infrastructure based on 1997 deployment values.


*Office of Traffic Management and Intelligent Transportation Systems (HTV-10), Cost Estimate and Assumptions for the Core Infrastructure, FHWA, June 1995. The ITS Infrastructure was called the Core Infrastructure in 1995.

Working Paper: Estimating the Federal Proportion of Funds Expended on ITS Infrastructure for Fiscal Year (FY) 2000 Download PDF, HTML

The purpose of this working paper is to provide an estimate of the federal proportion of funds expended on ITS infrastructure deployments for fiscal year (FY) 2000 using budget and planning data from state departments of transportation (DOTs). Expenditures associated with ITS infrastructure deployments include: capital, operations, management, and maintenance. The intent is to update this working paper as additional state DOT ITS budget and planning data become available.

The primary objective of this working paper is to estimate the federal proportion of expenditures for ITS infrastructure deployments in FY 2000 as a range (using actual state DOT budget and planning data). A secondary objective is to provide insight into how states fund ongoing operations and maintenance costs for their ITS deployments.

TRB 2002 Costs Workshop Proceedings Available Here

The workshop, The Truth About the Costs of ITS: Implications for Improving Planning and Operations in Traffic Management, was held in conjunction with the TRB 81st Annual Meeting, on Sunday, January 13, 2002, at the Washington Hilton, Washington, DC. The proceedings of the workshop contain: the workshop agenda; the questions posed and responses given during the planning and operations panel sessions; summary of the facilitated discussions and closing remarks; and workshop presentations, all of which are available from the ITS America website.

Last Modified: 01/30/2008

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