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Last Updated: July 30, 2008

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New Starts Outreach & Training

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Alternatives Analysis Course

Travel Forecasting for New Starts

Since travel forecasts are used to calculate a proposed project's user benefits, FTA encourages good forecasting practice.  Travel forecasting workshops and an email listserv are ways to keep the forecasting community up-to-date on the latest FTA guidelines and thinking.

  • Presentation Materials from September 2007 Offering in St. Louis 
  • New/Small Starts Forecasting email listserv
  • Spring 2009 workshop offerings are being planned- please check back for details

New Starts Workshops

FTA often holds general workshops at transit industry events.  In the past these workshops have also been presented at APTA's Annual Meeting and Legislative Conference.  Click here to see a presentation which was used to facilitate a New Starts/Small Starts workshop at the APTA Legislative Conference on March 14, 2007.  It is intended to serve as a useful introduction to the New Starts and Small Starts program.  Please check back for future offerings.

Small Starts Workshops

The Small Starts workshops are one-half day meetings between FTA staff and the public.  They consist of presentations by FTA staff and local project sponsors on topics related to the Small Starts planning, project development, evaluation, and rating process.  The 2008 Small Starts workshops have already taken place. 

New Starts Roundtables

New Starts Roundtables are usually two-day meetings between FTA staff and staff from sponsors of projects in preliminary engineering and final design seeking New Starts funding.  They consist of presentations by FTA staff and local project sponsors on topics related to the New Starts planning, project development, evaluation, and rating process.   

NTI Courses


  • Advanced Seminar on Managing the Environmental Review Process
  • Multimodal Travel Forecasting
  • Public Involvement in Transportation Decision Making
  • Management of Transit Construction Projects
  • Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment

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