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Valuing Environmental Health Risk Reductions to Children

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October 20 and 21, 2003

This two-day workshop was co-sponsored by EPA's National Center for Environmental Economics, Office of Children's Health Protection, and National Center for Environmental Research as well as the University of Central Florida. Investigators presented research results relating to the valuation of protecting children from environmental harm. The workshop aqlso featured discussion of the related issues the value of infant health, the use of economic experiments to examine the transition from child to economically rational adult, and household decision-making models. The workshop featured a luncheon address by Bill Harbaugh and commissioned presentations by Ted Bergstrom and Don Kenkel. EPA's Acting Administrator, Marianne Horrinko provided opening remarks.

If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Owens (owens.nicole@epa.gov), Kelly Maguire (maguire.kelly@epa.gov), Will Wheeler (wheeler.william@epa.gov) Ed Chu (chu.ed@epa.gov) or Mark Dickie (mdickie@bus.ucf.edu).

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