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November 5, 2008    DOL Home > ILAB   

Archived Statements, Speeches, & Announcements


  • December 20: U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao traveled to West and Central Africa in December 2003 to highlight efforts to combat the worst forms of child labor, including the use of children as soldiers and trafficking of children, and to promote programs in the workplace to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS.

  • July 15: The Bureau of International Labor Affairs released a booklet entitled "Faces of Change," which presents in human terms the impact of USDOL-supported child labor initiatives.

  • June 30: The Department of Labor released "A Chartbook of International Labor Comparisons: United States, Europe, and Asia." The chartbook provides comparable information that can be used to assess United States economic and employment performance relative to other countries.

  • June 2: The Bureau of International Labor Affairs released "The Department of Labor's 2002 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor."

  • May 1: Thomas B. Moorhead, Deputy Under Secretary for International Labor Affairs since September 2001, died April 27th at George Washington University Hospital at the age of 69.


  • September 13: Deputy Under Secretary for International Labor Affairs Thomas B. Moorhead signed an agreement of collaboration for the implementation of a Timebound Program in Tanzania and signed a letter of agreement with Zambia on the implementation of child labor education programs.

  • July 26: The U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Agency for International Development issue a press release and a summary of key findings from a collaborative survey on cocoa farms in West Africa.

  • July 4: ILAB launches a newly redesigned public Web site.

  • June 28: Deputy Under Secretary for International Labor Affairs Thomas B. Moorhead, Philippines Secretary of Labor Patricia Santo Tomas, and Philippines Secretary of Education Raul Roco sign a collaborative agreement on the Timebound Program to Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labor in the Philippines.

  • June 11: Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao’s remarks before the 90th Session of the International Labor Conference in Geneva, Switzerland.

  • June 11: Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao and Mexican Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare Carlos Abascal sign NAALC Ministerial Consultations Joint Declaration and issue a joint statement.

  • March 24: The White House publishes a fact sheet on Department of Labor efforts to eliminate child labor in El Salvador.

  • February 28: Deputy Under Secretary for International Labor Affairs Thomas B. Moorhead and Indian Secretary of Labor Vinod Vaish announce the second year of funding for U.S. technical assistance to India on mine safety and health.

  • January 29: Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao’s remarks at the Afghan Humanitarian Assistance Signing Ceremony at the U.S. Agency for International Development.

  • January 23: Deputy Under Secretary for International Labor Affairs Thomas B. Moorhead and Pakistan Minister of Education Zobaida Jalal sign a collaborative education agreement.


  • June 12: Deputy Secretary of Labor Cameron Findlay’s address at the International Labor Conference in Geneva, Switzerland (Special session on the launch of the Timebound Program on the Worst Forms of Child Labor in El Salvador, Nepal, and Tanzania).


  • December 2: Remarks by former President Clinton on the signing of ILO Convention 182 in Seattle, Washington.

  • August 6: Statement by former President Clinton submitting ILO Convention 182 to the Senate. The White House also released a fact sheet on child labor.

  • June 16: Remarks by former President Clinton to the International Labor Organization Conference in Geneva, Switzerland.

  • June 15: Statement by former Secretary of Labor Herman to the International Labor Organization Conference in Geneva, Switzerland.

  • June 12: Remarks by former President Clinton at the Unversity of Chicago convocation ceremonies announcing Executive Order #13126. The White House also released a fact sheet on the President's initiatives on international child labor.


  • November 27: Statement by former Secretary of Labor Herman on the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Govt of Uganda and the ILO, bringing Uganda into the ILO's IPEC program.

  • October 28: Joint Statement by former Treasury Secretary Rubin and former Labor Secretary Herman on the high-level dialogue between the World Bank, IMF and ILO.

  • October 22: Statement by former Secretary Herman on the agreement between the Pakistani Carpet Manufacturers and Exporters Association and the ILO.

  • June 9: Speech by former Labor Secretary Herman to the International Labor conference, Geneva, Switzerland

  • May 27: Remarks by former Secretary Herman at the Teach-In on child labor.


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