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Introduction to Environmental Economics Research at EPA

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1. Benefits Analysis
2. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Analysis
3. Cost and Economic Impacts Analysis
4. Economic Incentives and Other Innovative Approaches
5. Distribution and Equity
6. Pollution Control Industry Surveys and Assessments
7. Sustainable Development
1. Benefits Analysis - Quantification without Monetization
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Stated Preference
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Stated Preference - Contingent Valuation
2. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Analysis - Major Programs and Media
2. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Analysis - Specific Sectors and Pollutants
2. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Analysis - Incentives and Related Approaches
2. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Analysis - Enforcement and Monitoring
2. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Analysis - Surveys and Critiques
2. Cost-Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Analysis - Methodology
3.Costs and Economic Impact Analysis - General Pollution Control Costs
3.Costs and Economic Impact Analysis - Specific Sectors and Pollutants
3.Costs and Economic Impact Analysis - Economic Impacts
3.Costs and Economic Impact Analysis - Competitiveness Effects
3.Costs and Economic Impact Analysis - Surveys and Critiques
3.Costs and Economic Impact Analysis - Financing Pollution Control
3.Costs and Economic Impact Analysis - Methodology
4. Economic Incentives and Other Innovative Approaches - Pollution Fees/Charges/Taxes
4. Economic Incentives and Other Innovative Approaches - Trading and Marketable Permits
4. Economic Incentives and Other Innovative Approaches - Deposit-Refund Systems
4. Economic Incentives and Other Innovative Approaches - Liability
4. Economic Incentives and Other Innovative Approaches - Information Approaches
4. Economic Incentives and Other Innovative Approaches - Subsidies
4. Economic Incentives and Other Innovative Approaches - Voluntary Programs
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Revealed Preference
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Stated Preference - Non-contingent Valuation
1. Benefits Analysis - Risk Communication and Other
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Cost of Damages Avoided
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Revealed Preference - Property Value
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Benefits Transfer
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Revealed Preference - Travel Cost
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Other
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Revealed Preference - Wage Differential
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Revealed Preference - Consumption Choices
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Revealed Preference - Other
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Cost of Damages Avoided - Mortality
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Cost of Damages Avoided - Morbidity
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Cost of Damages Avoided - Productivity
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Cost of Damages Avoided - Resource/Environmental Harms
Environmental Media/Problems covered: a. Air
b. Water
c. Land
d. Chemicals
e. Ecosystems
f. Multimedia
a. Air - Mobile Source
a. Air - Stationary Source
a. Air - Tropospheric
b. Water - Groundwater
b. Water - Surface
c. Land - Solid Waste/RCRA
c. Land - Superfund/CERCLA
d. Chemicals - Toxic Substances
d. Chemicals - Pesticides
Anderson, Robert C.
Kobrin, Paul
EPA Project Officer/ Manager:
Carlin, Alan
Geographic Area:
United States, World
Study Purpose:
Methodology Development & Evaluation
Inventory Record #: EE-0369 This report is designed to serve as an introduction, survey, and overview of EPA’s economic research studies funded by the Office of Research and Development and the Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation, as well as reports prepared by Agency staff, that are included within the Environmental Economics Report Inventory (EERI) database as well as the NSF/EPA Funding for Environmental Economics database. These databases contain most of the reports on environmental economics prepared by these two EPA offices since EPA was founded in 1970. The report also contains an appendix by Alan Carlin on the history of economic research and analysis in the EPA Office of Research and Development and the Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation, its evolution over the period 1971-2005, and suggestons as to its longer-run significance.

This report is available only as an online report.

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