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1971 Survey and Assessment of Air Pollution Damage to Vegetation in New Jersey (10/01/1972)Feliciano, AlbertoEnvironmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, National Environmental Research Center
1972 Survey and Assessment of Air Pollution Damage to Vegetation in New Jersey (06/01/1973)Pell, Eva J.Rutgers University, College of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Plant Biology
A Benefits Assessment of Water Pollution Control Programs Since 1972: Part 1, The Benefits of Point Source Controls for Conventional Pollutants in Rivers and Streams (01/01/2000)Computer IconBingham, Tayler H.
Bondelid, Timothy R.
Depro, Brooks M.
Figueroa, Ruth C.
Hauber, A. Brett
Unger, Suzanne J.
Van Houtven, George L.
Research Triangle Institute
A Case Study of a Hazardous Waste Site: Perspectives from Economics and Psychology, Volume IV of Improving Accuracy and Reducing the Costs of Environmental Benefits Assessments (05/01/1986)Computer IconSchulze, William D.
McClelland, Gary H.
Hurd, Brian
Smith, Joy
Colorado, University of, Departments of Economics and Psychology
A Case Study of Effects of Acidic Air Pollutants on Crop Yields (11/01/1981)Computer IconMendelsohn, Robert
Shea, G. Bradford
Northwest Environmental Consultants, Inc.
A Comparison of Alternative Approaches for Estimating Recreation and Related Benefits of Water Quality Improvements (03/01/1983)Computer IconDesvousges, William H.
Smith, V. Kerry
McGivney, Matthew P.
Research Triangle Institute
A Framework for Measuring the Economic Benefits of Ground Water (10/01/1995)Computer IconBoyle, Kevin J.
Bergstrom, John C.
Job, Charles
Kealy, Mary Jo
Bergman, Ron
Ankrah, Rodges
Ali, Ghulum
Alsadek, Jihad
Ballard, Gary
Daub, Vivian
Dziuban, Jacolyn
Howes, Richard
Schulze, Susan
Environmental Protection Agency
A Health Econometric Study of Diary Studies of Air Pollution and Health (11/01/1988)Computer IconWypij, David
Ware, James H.
Schwartz, Joel
Harvard University, School of Public Health
A Methodological Approach to an Economic Analysis of the Beneficial Outcomes of Water Quality: Improvement from Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrading and Combined Sewer Overflow Controls (11/01/1985)Computer IconMeta Systems, Inc.Meta Systems, Inc.
A Model Estimating the Economic Impacts of Current Levels of Acidification on Recreational Fishing in the Adirondack Mountains (05/01/1985)Computer IconViolette, Daniel M.Energy and Resource Consultants, Inc.
A Monte-Carlo Approach to Including Uncertainty in Regulatory Risk Analysis: Reanalysis of DBCP Cancer Risk for Fresno County, California (06/22/1984)Computer IconBogen, Kenneth T.
Spear, Robert C.
California at Berkeley, University of, School of Public Health, Environmental Health Sciences Program
A Multivariate Characterization of Risk (12/01/1990)Carson, Richard T.
Horowitz, John K.
California at San Diego, University of, Department of Economics
A Preliminary Assessment of Air Pollution Damages for Selected Crops Within Southern California, Volume III of Methods Development for Assessing Air Pollution Control Benefits (02/01/1979)Computer IconAdams, Richard M.
Crocker, Thomas D.
Thanavibulchai, Narongsakdi
Wyoming, University of
A Preliminary Assessment of the Benefits of Reducing Formaldehyde Exposures (10/01/1984)Bingham, Tayler H.
Lohr, Luanne
Research Triangle Institute
A Program of Economics Research on Improving Estimation of Benefits from Reduced Pollution (02/01/1981)Computer IconResources for the Future
A Review of Air Pollutant Damage to Materials (10/01/1980)Computer IconYocom, John E.
Stankunas, Alexander R.
TRC Environmental Consultants, Inc.
A Set of Morbidity and Mortality Values for Environmental Assessment (09/01/1985)Computer IconTolley, George S.Chicago, University of
A Stated Preference Approach, Volume I of Economic Valuation of Mortality Risk Reduction (11/01/2004)Computer IconSchulze, William
Chestnut, Loraine G.
Rowe, Robert D.
Lazo, Jeffrey K.
Breffle, William S.
Cornell University
A Synthesis of Contingent Valuation Studies of the Value of Atmospheric VisibilityCrocker, Thomas D.Wyoming, University of
Achieving Greater Consistency Between Subjective and Objective Risks (04/01/1989)Bord, Richard J.
Epp, Donald J.
O'Connor, Robert E.
Pennsylvania State University, Environmental Resources Research Institute
Addendum to Oxidants and Asthmatics in Los Angeles: A Benefits Analysis (03/01/1986)Computer IconRowe, Robert D.
Chestnut, Lauraine G.
Energy and Resource Consultants, Inc.
Additional Explication of Methods for Measuring Non-use Values: A Contingent Valuation Study of Groundwater Cleanup: Memorandum to the Science Advisory Board Environmental Economics Advisory Committee (06/29/1993)Computer IconMcClelland, Gary H.
Schulze, William D.
Lazo, Jeffrey K.
Colorado, University of, Center for Economic Analysis
AERE Workshop on Recreation Demand Modeling (07/10/1985)Computer IconMorey, Edward
Rowe, Robert D.
Smith, V. Kerry
Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE)
Age, Time, and the Measurement of Mortality Benefits (01/01/1988)Hammitt, James K.RAND Corporation
Aggregate Environmental Epidemiology: Retrospect and Prospect (01/01/1983)Sharefkin, Mark F.
Carson, Richard T.
Resources for the Future
Aggregation Problems in Benefits Estimation: A Simulation ApproachVaughan, William J.
Mullahy, John
Hewitt, Julie A.
Hazilla, Michael
Russell, Clifford S.
Resources for the Future
Air Pollution and Acute Health Effects: New Evidence (12/01/1986)Krupnick, Alan J.
Harrington, Winston
Ostro, Bart
Resources for the Future
Air Pollution and Disease: An Evaluation of the NAS Twins, Volume V of Methods Development in Measuring Benefits of Environmental Improvementsd'Arge, Ralph C.
Kask, Susan B.
Case, James C.
Ben-David, Shaul
Eubanks, Larry
Anderson, Curtis L.
Wyoming, University of, Department of Economics and Institute for Policy Research
Air Pollution and Health in Washington DC: Some Acute Health Effects of Air Pollution in the Washington Metropolitan Area (07/01/1977)Computer IconSeskin, Eugene P.National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.

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