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Cars and trucks don't cause that much's more from power plant and factory smokestacks.


Vehicles emit 90% of the carbon monoxide and produce at least half of the pollutants that form smog. Although today's car tailpipe is "cleaner," more cars making more trips and traveling more miles will offset, and soon overcome, gains made from cleaner cars.

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The interstate highway system was designed to be used for emergency airstrips in case of war.


In 1944, Congress thought about making emergency landing strips on interstate highways. But, the landing strips would have been built alongside the highways. However, landing strips would also need roads to and from them so the idea was dropped.

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The man who wrote the first traffic laws never drove a car himself.


William Phelps Eno (1858-1945) is known as the "Father of Traffic Safety". In 1903, he developed the world's first traffic code for New York City and the first traffic plans for New York City, London, and Paris.

He invented stop signs, one way streets, taxi stands, traffic circles, and pedestrian safety islands. He wrote the first manual of police traffic regulations.

Eno loved riding horseback. He didn't trust automobiles. When he had to use a car, he used a chauffeur.

Road Signs

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