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Help your children do well in school, make the most of their talents and interests, and get the education and skills they need for college and work.

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The NTSC and ACRN have developed brochures for parents who want to help their children with career development.   The brochures are in English and Spanish, and are grouped under five topic areas:

Starting Young

School Success

Career Exploration

Beyond High School

Children with Special Needs

All resources on the ACRN parent page support No Child Left Behind (NCLB), the education reform legislation signed into law by President Bush in 2002. If you want to learn more, please take a look at this short paper, "America’s Career Resource Network Parents’ Guide and How it Supports No Child Left Behind" (WORD).

Starting Young
Help young children learn, develop skills and see the connections between school and adult life.

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School Success
Find out what you can do to help your children succeed at school.

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Career Exploration
Work with your children to translate their natural talents and interests into possible careers.

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Beyond High School
Help older children prepare for additional education or training after high school that leads to an interesting, well-paying career.

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Children with Special Needs
You can make sure your children with special needs get the quality education to which they are entitled by law.
ACRN has resources that will help you understand your child's education and career needs, and work with teachers and schools to get the best for your child.
This Month's Top Five:
Facts and Terms Every Parent Should Know About NCLB (2003, updated 2005)
Key Things Parents Can Do to Make Sure Their Children Are Prepared for the Twenty-first Century (2006)
The Toolbox Revisited: Paths to Degree Completion from High School Through College (2006)
Tool Kit for Hispanic Families (2005)
Explore additional resources in our Resource Library, which has a section especially for parents.

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