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US Census Bureau News Release


Census Bureau Announces Award of 2010 Census
Communications Contract

     The Census Bureau today announced that it has awarded its 2010 Census communications contract, worth an estimated $200 million, to Draftfcb of New York. Draftfcb This link to a non-federal Web site does not imply endorsement of any particular product, company, or content. is a full-service marketing communications agency that is part of the Interpublic Group of communications companies.

     “It’s absolutely vital that everyone participate in the census, and as our nation becomes more diverse, the challenge of reaching everyone becomes greater,” said Census Bureau Director Louis Kincannon. “This requires a large, complex, behavior-change campaign, especially one that reaches historically hard-to-count populations.”

     Working with Draftfcb will be a team of partner agencies that specialize in reaching minority audiences, including Global Hue This link to a non-federal Web site does not imply endorsement of any particular product, company, or content. (black and Hispanic audiences), IW Group This link to a non-federal Web site does not imply endorsement of any particular product, company, or content. (Asian and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander audiences), G&G This link to a non-federal Web site does not imply endorsement of any particular product, company, or content. (American Indian and Alaska Native audiences) and Allied Media This link to a non-federal Web site does not imply endorsement of any particular product, company, or content. (other emerging audiences).

     The contractor’s efforts will support the 2010 Census goals of increasing mail response, enhancing cooperation with enumerators, improving overall accuracy and reducing the differential undercount.

     The contractor’s first assignment will be to work with the Census Bureau and its stakeholders to develop a plan for an integrated communications campaign encompassing advertising, partnerships and media relations.

     The one-year contract has up to three option years, ending Sept. 30, 2011. Work on the contract begins immediately.

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The U.S. Constitution requires a population and housing census every 10 years. The massive undertaking has been referred to as the largest peacetime mobilization in U.S. history. The effort employs some of the most sophisticated technical and operational knowledge and tools available, as well as a work force of more than 500,000 enumerators to count every man, woman and child once, and only once, and in the right place. Census results are the basis for congressional representation as well as the distribution of federal, state and local funds totaling more than $300 billion annually. Census Day is April 1, 2010.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office |  Last Revised: September 06, 2007