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A Preliminary Assessment of Air Pollution Damages for Selected Crops Within Southern California, Volume III of Methods Development for Assessing Air Pollution Control Benefits

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1. Benefits Analysis
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Cost of Damages Avoided
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Cost of Damages Avoided - Resource/Environmental Harms
Environmental Media/Problems covered: a. Air
a. Air - Tropospheric
Adams, Richard M.
Crocker, Thomas D.
Thanavibulchai, Narongsakdi
EPA Project Officer/ Manager:
Carlin, Alan
Geographic Area:
Study Purpose:
Empirical Application
Report Series:
Methods Development for Assessing Air Pollution Control Benefits
Inventory Record #: EE-0271C
List of all reports in the Series:
1) Methods Development for Assessing Air Pollution Control Benefits Volume V - Executive Summary
2) Experiments in the Economics of Air Pollution Epidemiology, Volume I of Methods Development for Assessing Air Pollution Control Benefits
3) Studies on Partial Equilibrium Approaches to Valuation of Environmental Amenities, Volume IV of Methods Development for Assessing Air Pollution Control Benefits
You are here--> 4) A Preliminary Assessment of Air Pollution Damages for Selected Crops Within Southern California, Volume III of Methods Development for Assessing Air Pollution Control Benefits
5) Experiments in Valuing Non-Market Goods: A Case Study of Alternative Benefit Measures of Air Pollution Control in the South Coast Air Basin of Southern California, Volume II of Methods Development for Assessing Air Pollution Control Benefits

This study investigates the economic benefits that would accrue from reductions in oxidant/ozone air pollution-induced damages to 14 annual vegetable and field crops in southern California. Southern California production of many of these crops constitutes the bulk of national production. Using the analytical perspective of economics, the study provides a review of the literature on the physical and economic damages to agricultural crops from air pollution. In addition, methodologies are developed permitting estimation of the impact of air pollution-induced price effects, input and output substitution effects, and risk effects upon producer and consumer losses. Estimates of the extent to which price effects contribute to consumer losses are provided.
The report is composed of seven sections and references, as shown under File Description below:
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File DescriptionFile Size (KB)File Type
Chapter 1, Introduction; and Chapter 2, Agricultural Crop Damages by Air Pollution - A Review of Literature543 Acrobat
Chapter 3, Some Methodological Considerations on the Assessment of Air Pollution Damages: A Proposed Mathematical Framework; and Chapter 4, Air Pollution Yield Response Relationships508 Acrobat
Chapter 5, Price Forecasting Equation Estimation353 Acrobat
Chapter 6, An Economic Assessment of Crop Losses Due to Air Pollution: The Consuming Sector; and Chapter 7, Implementation of the Complete Model: An Assessment364 Acrobat

Date Linked: 07/13/1997

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