Printed publications provide comprehensive statistics from the Census of Governments data collected every five years in years ending in 2 and 7.Census of Governments, Volume 1, No. 1: Government Organization
Census of Governments, Volume 1, No. 2: State Descriptions
Census or Governments, Volume 3, No. 1: Employment of Major Local Governments
Census or Governments, Volume 3, No. 2: Compendium of Public Employment
Census of Governments, Volume 4, No. 1: Government Finances – Public Education Finances
Census of Governments, Volume 4. No. 2. Government Finances - Finances of Special Districts
Census of Governments, Volume 4, No. 3. Government Finances - Finances of County Governments
Census of Governments, Volume 4, No. 5. Government Finances - Compendium of Government Finances
Consolidated Federal Funds Report (CFFR) in Print