U.S. Census Bureau

Census Product Catalog

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Federal Aid to States Reports in Print

Availability: Available as printed or print-on-demand publications (see below), or online in PDF format. Reports in PDF format may also be purchased from the Customer Services Center as a print-on-demand item. Contact a Customer Service representative 301-763-INFO (4636).

Subject content: Presents data on federal government grants and other payments to state and local governments, by agency and for selected programs, by state and Outlying Areas.

NOTE: This is part of the Consolidated Federal Funds Report series. FAS report presents information similar to the grant data in the CFFR state and county areas publication, except in this report grants to state and local governments represent actual expenditures of the federal government, and only grants to state and local governments are included.

Geography: United States, States, Puerto Rico, and outlying areas (American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and U.S. Virgin Islands).

Contact: Customer Services Center (orders), 301-763-INFO (4636); Governments Division (content), 301-457-1565.

Federal Aid to States: 2005 | D1-G05-FA2S-00-US1 | $25 | Released September, 2007

Federal Aid to States: 2004 | D1-G04-FA2S-00-US1 | $25 | Released January, 2006

Federal Aid to States: 2003 | D1-G03-FA2S-00-US1 | $25 | Released September, 2004

Federal Aid to States: 2002 | D1-G02-FA2S-00-US1 | $25 | Released May, 2003

Federal Aid to States: 2001 | P1-G02-FA2S-00-US1 | $15 | Released April, 2002

Federal Aid to States: 2000 | P1-G02-FA2S-00-US1 | $15 | Released April, 2001

Federal Aid to States: 1999 | P1-G02-FA2S-00-US1 | $15 | Released April, 2000

Federal Aid to States: 1998 | P1-G02-FA2S-00-US1 | $15 | Released April, 1999

Source: US Census Bureau | Customer Liaison & Marketing Services | Customer Services Center