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1971 Survey and Assessment of Air Pollution Damage to Vegetation in New Jersey (10/01/1972)Feliciano, AlbertoEnvironmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, National Environmental Research Center
1972 Survey and Assessment of Air Pollution Damage to Vegetation in New Jersey (06/01/1973)Pell, Eva J.Rutgers University, College of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Plant Biology
A Case Study of Effects of Acidic Air Pollutants on Crop Yields (11/01/1981)Computer IconMendelsohn, Robert
Shea, G. Bradford
Northwest Environmental Consultants, Inc.
A Computer Simulation Model for Analyzing Mobile Source Air Pollution Control Strategies (09/01/1976)Mathtech, Inc.
A Cost Evaluation of Alternative Air Quality Control Strategies (01/01/1974)Computer IconAtkinson, Scott E.
Lewis, Donald H.
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Washington Environmental Research Center
A Health Econometric Study of Diary Studies of Air Pollution and Health (11/01/1988)Computer IconWypij, David
Ware, James H.
Schwartz, Joel
Harvard University, School of Public Health
A Preliminary Assessment of Air Pollution Damages for Selected Crops Within Southern California, Volume III of Methods Development for Assessing Air Pollution Control Benefits (02/01/1979)Computer IconAdams, Richard M.
Crocker, Thomas D.
Thanavibulchai, Narongsakdi
Wyoming, University of
A Preliminary Assessment of the Benefits of Reducing Formaldehyde Exposures (10/01/1984)Bingham, Tayler H.
Lohr, Luanne
Research Triangle Institute
A Projection of the Effectiveness and Costs of a National Tax on Sulfur Emissions (11/01/1973)Computer IconBingham, Tayler H.
Cooley, Philip C.
Fogel, Mark E.
Johnson, Donald R.
Lesourd, David A.
Miedema, Allen K.
Paddock, Richard E.
Simons, Jr., Mayrant
Wisler, Macmillan M.
Research Triangle Institute
A Review of Air Pollutant Damage to Materials (10/01/1980)Computer IconYocom, John E.
Stankunas, Alexander R.
TRC Environmental Consultants, Inc.
A Study of Delays in the Construction of Fossil Power PlantsBrown Jr., J.B.
Fitting, Bruce D.
Flinn, James E.
Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus Laboratories
A Synthesis of Contingent Valuation Studies of the Value of Atmospheric VisibilityCrocker, Thomas D.Wyoming, University of
A Technical Analysis of Economic-Based Regulation in Environmental Rulemaking (12/01/1983)Computer IconDower, Roger C.
Henderson, Timothy
Marvin, Mary Jean
Reed, Phillip D.
Ritts, Leslie Sue
Trauberman, Jeffrey
Environmental Law Institute
Addendum to Oxidants and Asthmatics in Los Angeles: A Benefits Analysis (03/01/1986)Computer IconRowe, Robert D.
Chestnut, Lauraine G.
Energy and Resource Consultants, Inc.
Aggregate Environmental Epidemiology: Retrospect and Prospect (01/01/1983)Sharefkin, Mark F.
Carson, Richard T.
Resources for the Future
Air Pollution and Acute Health Effects: New Evidence (12/01/1986)Krupnick, Alan J.
Harrington, Winston
Ostro, Bart
Resources for the Future
Air Pollution and Disease: An Evaluation of the NAS Twins, Volume V of Methods Development in Measuring Benefits of Environmental Improvementsd'Arge, Ralph C.
Kask, Susan B.
Case, James C.
Ben-David, Shaul
Eubanks, Larry
Anderson, Curtis L.
Wyoming, University of, Department of Economics and Institute for Policy Research
Air Pollution and Health in Washington DC: Some Acute Health Effects of Air Pollution in the Washington Metropolitan Area (07/01/1977)Computer IconSeskin, Eugene P.National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
Air Pollution Exposure and Lung Function in Children: A Micro-Epidemiological Study (08/09/1985)Computer IconKrupnick, Alan J.
Harrington, Winston
Narel, Tracy
Resources for the Future
Air Pollution: Household Soiling and Consumer Welfare LossesComputer IconWatson, William D.
Jaksch, John A.
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Implementation Research Division
Allocative and Distributive Effects of Alternative Air Quality Attainment Policies (10/01/1974)Bingham, Tayler H.
Miedema, Allen K.
Research Triangle Institute
Alternative Assessment Methods for Benefits of Acid Deposition ControlWyoming, University of, Resource and Environmental Economics LaboratoryWyoming, University of, Resource and Environmental Economics Laboratory
Alternative Fuels and US Automobile Manufacturers, part of Field Study Series on Environment and Industrial Competitiveness (01/01/1992)Computer IconManagement Institute for Environment and Business
An Analysis of Alternative Policies for Attaining and Maintaining a Short-Term NO2 Standard, Executive Summary (09/17/1979)Computer IconAnderson Jr., Robert J.
Reid, Robert O.
Seskin, Eugene P.
Mathtech, Inc.
An Analysis of Alternative Policies for Attaining and Maintaining a Short-Term NO2 Standard, Main Report (09/17/1979)Anderson Jr., Robert J.
Reid, Robert O.
Seskin, Eugene P.
Mathtech, Inc.
An Analysis of Economic Incentives to Control Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides from Stationary Sources: Report of the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to the Congress of the United States in Compliance with Section 405(f) of the Public Law 95 - 95 The Clean Air Act, as Amended (01/01/1981)Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Planning and Management
An Economic Analysis of Air Pollution and Health: The Case of St. Louis, Volume VI of Methods Development in Measuring Benefits of Environmental ImprovementsComputer IconGerking, Shelby D.
Stanley, Linda R.
Weirick, William N.
Wyoming, University of, Department of Economics and Institute for Policy Research
An Economic Assessment of Air Pollution Damages to Selected Annual Crops in Southern CaliforniaAdams, Richard M.
Crocker, Thomas D.
Thanavibulchai, Narongsakdi
Wyoming, University of
Resource and Environmental Economics Laboratory
An Evaluation of Strategies for Promoting Effective Radon Mitigation (03/01/1990)Computer IconDoyle, James K.
McClelland, Gary H.
Schulze, William D.
Locke, Paul A.
Elliott, Steven R.
Russell, Glenn W.
Moyad, Andrew
Colorado, University of, Center for Economic Analysis

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