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Northeast & Caribbean (2) Emergency Management Program

Roy Crowe
(212) 264-0596

Northeast and Caribbean Region
(212) 264-3305

GSA employees in the Northeast and Caribbean Region, and across the country, have demonstrated that they are a capable and resilient work force, ready, willing and able to respond quickly and decisively in times of emergencies and disasters such as hurricanes, fires, floods, and other crisis situations.

This Region has a staff of trained and certified emergency management professionals who are dedicated to providing an effective emergency management program. The team’s goal is to be constantly prepared and able to support as necessary all other federal emergency management needs; to help maintain the operations of the federal government; and to ensure continuity of the essential services provided to the American public by the various federal agencies GSA supports.

This experienced team regularly reviews all aspects of its established Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) and other contingency plans and regularly provides training and support to other federal agencies to assist them in developing their respective COOPs.

Agencies occupying GSA owned and leased buildings are reminded to coordinate their alternate work site designation and point of contact information with the Regional Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, using the contact information provided on the upper right.

Interagency and Customer Support

The Region’s Emergency Management Branch offers the following services to GSA customers at no cost:

  • COOP Training, with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
  • COOP Development (With FEMA and NARA)
  • Identification of Alternate Facilities
  • Occupant Emergency Plan (OEP) development, evaluation and training
  • Shelter in Place (SIP) development, evaluation and training
  • Family Readiness
COOP Working Groups

In addition, the Northeast and Caribbean Region serves as a co-chair of COOP Working Groups throughout the Region along with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Coordinated through the Federal Executive Boards and Federal Executive Agencies, the Region has formed a partnership of federal agencies working together to enhance the federal community’s emergency preparedness. COOP Working Groups have been formed with the New York City Federal Executive Board, the Buffalo Federal Executive Board and are in the process of forming with the Newark Federal Executive Board, the Albany, Syracuse, and San Juan Federal Executive Associations.

The focus of the COOP Working Group is joint training and exercises with all federal agencies in an area. Events include:

  • Table Top Exercises
  • Relocation Exercises
  • Incident Command System (ICS) Training
  • COOP Manager’s Training
  • Exercise Design Class
  • Vital Records Training
  • Cascade Drills