U.S. Census Bureau

Census Product Catalog

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Census 2000 Census Tract Outline Maps

Availability: Plotted maps sold in state or county packages. Map sheet size: 36 by 33 inches. Also available online in PDF format.

For information on the prices and availability of the state/county map packages, click on the state link.

Alabama Louisiana Oregon
Alaska Maine Pennsylvania
Arizona Maryland Rhode Island
Arkansas Massachusetts South Carolina
California Michigan South Dakota
Colorado Minnesota Tennessee
Connecticut Mississippi Texas
Delaware Missouri Utah
District of Columbia Montana Vermont
Florida Nebraska Virginia
Georgia Nevada Washington
Hawaii New Hampshire West Virginia
Idaho New Jersey Wisconsin
Illinois New York Wyoming
Indiana North Carolina Puerto Rico
Iowa North Dakota  
Kansas Ohio  
Kentucky Oklahoma  

Subject content: These county-based maps show names and appropriate codes for many of the geographic areas for which census data are tabulated. While many counties are mapped on a single map sheet, counties requiring multiple map sheets can consist of 1) an index map sheet showing parent and inset map sheet coverage within the county, only for counties that have more than one parent sheet; 2) one or more parent sheets; 3) and inset sheet or sheets, as needed, for densely settled areas.

Boundaries shown: International, American Indian/Alaska Native/Hawaiian Home Land Areas, state, counties, minor civil divisions, census count divisions, incorporated places, census designated places and census tracts.

Census contacts: Customer Services Center, 301-763-INFO (4636) (orders); Geography Division, 301-763-1128 (content).

Source: US Census Bureau | Customer Liaison & Marketing Services | Customer Services Center