U.S. Census Bureau

Census Product Catalog

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LandView® IV DVD

This disc contains census data from the 1990 Census.

The LandView® product contains two software programs - the LandView® database manager and the MARPLOT® map viewer. These two programs work in tandem to create a simple computer mapping system that can display individual layers of information having spatial information associated with them. More information on LandView®.

Availability: Available only on DVD

Product ID: V1-T98-LVIV-22-US1

Price: $60

Subject Content: LandView IV is a desktop mapping system that includes database extracts from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Census Bureau (demographic, social, and economic data from 1990 Census), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Contains MARPLOT® and LandView software that will allow users to display data on maps that show jurisdictional boundaries, detailed networks of roads, rivers and railroads, census block group and tract polygons, schools, hospitals, churches, cemeteries, airports and other landmark features, for the entire United States, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

Geography: EPA-regulated sites, USGS GNIS sites, and the following 1990 Census geographic entities: states, counties, congressional districts, places, census tracts, block numbering areas, census block groups, census block points, Zip codes, and urbanized areas. Roads, water and other related map features are based on TIGER/Line 1998 files. Zip codes are based on November 1999 definitions.

System Requirements: Operating system minimum: Windows 98. Hardware minimum: DVD-ROM drive. See About LandView for more information.

To Place an Order: Census LandView Support — Geographic Products Management Branch: 301-763-1128

Source: US Census Bureau | Customer Liaison & Marketing Services | Customer Services Center