U.S. Census Bureau

Census Product Catalog

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1990 Census of Population and Housing: Summary Tape File 2A

Availability:  DVD issued June 2004

Product ID: V1-D90-S2AS-06-US1

Subject: Based on data tabulated from responses to the 1990 Census short-form questionnaire. Population items include counts of persons by race (37 categories), American Indian tribes (29 categories), Hispanic Origin (5 categories along with a separate table with two categories cross tabulated by race), and group quarters (45 categories along with a separate table with 13 categories cross tabulated by ate). Housing counts include race of householder (37 categories with a separate table of all 37 categories tabulated by Hispanic origin); tenure by persons in unit, household type, and age of householder (49 categories); tenure by number of nonrelatives and by number of persons in unit; vacancy status by boarded-up status and duration of vacancy; and price or rent asked for vacant-for-sale-only or vacant-for-rent-only.

Geography:  States and state portion of Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA/CMSA or PMSA) and the non-metropolitan remainder of the state; counties; places with 10,000 or more persons; consolidated cities; and census trace/block number areas for the entire United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

File format & Software: Flat ASCII, no software; Files are compressed and can be unzipped using standard unzipping software such as that found at www.pkware.com (etc.).

Census contact: Customer Services Center (orders), 301-763-INFO(4636); Demographic Call Center (content), 301-763-2422, or toll-free at 1-866-758-1060

Source: US Census Bureau | Customer Liaison & Marketing Services | Customer Services Center