U.S. Census Bureau

Census Product Catalog

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1980 Summary Tape File 1C on CD-ROM: United States

For the advanced user, product requires database skills. CD-ROM providing 321 cells of 1980 complete-count population and housing data organized in 59 tables. Population items tabulated include age, race, sex, marital status, Spanish origin, household type, and household relationship. Housing items tabulated include occupancy/vacancy status, tenure, contract rent., value, condominium status, number of rooms, and plumbing facilities. Data are provided for the higher level geographies, i.e., U.S., regions, divisions, states, standard metropolitan statistical areas, urbanized areas, counties, places with 10,000 or more population and congressional districts (96th & 97th congress).

Product ID: C1-D80-S1CN-01-US1

Data Format: ASCII

System Requirements: None

Software Provided: None

Reference Geography: U.S., Regions, Divisions, States, SMSAs, Urbanized Areas, Counties, Places (10,000+ pop.), Congressional Districts (96th & 97th)

Contact: Demographic Call Center (content) 301-763-2422 or toll free at 1-866-758-1060

Seller: CSC (301) 763-INFO (4636)

Source: US Census Bureau | Customer Liaison & Marketing Services | Customer Services Center