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Assessing the Consequences of Global Change for Air Quality: Sensitivity of U.S. Air Quality to Climate Change and Future Global Impacts
STAR Recipients
In Response to a Request for Applications which closed on September 10, 2002

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Identifier Abstract Principal Investigator Institution Project Period State
1 R830962
Impact of Climate Change on U.S. Air Quality Using Multi-scale Modeling with the MM5/SMOKE/CMAQ System Lamb, Brian
Guenther, Alex
Mass, Clifford
O'Neill, Susan
Larkin, Sim
MacKenzie, Donald
Washington State University,National Center for Atmospheric Research,USDA Forest Service,University of Washington March 2003 -
March 2006  
2 R830963
Impacts of Global Climate and Emission Changes on U.S. Air Quality Liang, Xin-Zhong
Caughey, Michael
Huang, Ho-Chun
Kunkel, Kenneth
Williams, Allen
Wuebbles, Donald J.
Hayhoe, Katharine
Lin, Jintai
Pan, Jinping
Patten, Ken
Zhu, Jinhong
Tao, Zhining
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign March 2003 -
March 2006  
3 R830960
Sensitivity and Uncertainty Assessment of Global Climate Change Impacts on Ozone and Particulate Matter: Examination of Direct and Indirect, Emission-Induced Effects Russell, Armistead G.
Amar, P.
Kleiman, G.
Miller, R.
Odman, M. Talat
Prinn, Ronald G.
Reilly, John
Wang, C. H.
Georgia Institute of Technology,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management March 2003 -
March 2006  
4 R830961
Impacts of Climate Change and Global Emissions on US Air Quality: Development of an Integrated Modeling Framework and Sensitivity Assessment Adams, Peter
Pandis, Spyros N.
Carnegie Mellon University March 2003 -
March 2006  
5 R830964
Guiding Future Air Quality Management in California: Sensitivity to Changing Climate Harley, Robert A.
Cohen, Ronald
Goldstein, Allen H.
University of California - Berkeley March 2003 -
March 2006  
6 R830959
Application of a Unified Aerosol-Chemistry-Climate GCM to Understand the Effects of Changing Climate and Global Anthropogenic Emissions on U.S. Air Quality Jacob, Daniel J.
Fu, Joshua
Mickley, Loretta J.
Rind, David
Seinfeld, John
Streets, David G.
Harvard University,Argonne National Laboratory,California Institute of Technology,NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS),University of Tennessee - Knoxville,NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies January 2003 -
January 2005  

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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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