U.S. Census Bureau

Census Product Catalog

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Census 2000 Special Tabulation on Aging (STP 9)

Availability: DVD containing special tabulation of Census 2000 data on the older population produced for the Administration on Aging (AoA).

Expected Release Date: Spring 2005

Product ID: V1-D00-TABS-08-STP9 - Note: The disc has an incorrect product identification code imprinted on it. Only the ID is incorrect, there has been no change to the disc itself.

Subject content: The Special Tabulation on Aging (STP 9) is a set of 116 population tables and 69 housing and household tables tabulated by the Census Bureau for AoA from the Census 2000 sample (“long form”) data. The topics covered in these tabulations include age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, marital status, poverty, employment status, disability, type of housing, age of housing, telephone service availability, and much more. This tabulation provides greater detail on the older population (age 60 and older) than is available from other sources. The AoA has these data online and refer to it as STA rather than as STP 9.

Geography: United States, states (urban and rural component), counties, county subdivisions of 2,500 or more people in 12 states, places of 2,500 or more people, census tracts, American Indian and Alaska Native areas and Hawaiian Home Lands, Alaska Native Regional Corporations, and Planning and Service Areas (urban and rural component). Note: For selected large tables, only Planning and Service Areas with a population of 100,000 or more are shown.

File Format & Software: Allocate software allowing customers to manipulate, display, and download data from the file. Technical documentation [PDF; File Size: 2.6 MB].

Related Products: Census 2000 Summary Files 3 and 4

Census contact: Customer Services Center (orders), 301-763-INFO(4636); Demographic Call Center (content), 301-763-2422 or toll-free at 1-866-758-1060

— Customers should be sure they understand this product before they buy. Because of the need to implement various disclosure avoidance techniques to protect respondent privacy, population and housing tables for many geographic areas will not appear if they do not meet the specified thresholds. Customers should read the technical documentation first for further explanations of the limitations of the file.

Source: US Census Bureau | Customer Liaison & Marketing Services | Customer Services Center