U.S. Census Bureau

Census Product Catalog

Contact the Customer Services Center @ 1-800-923-8282

Summary File 1

Demographic data down to the block level!

Availability: Summary File 1 is available on disc in two different file formats. The software version contains retrieval software allowing users to manipulate, display, and download data from the file. The files also come in an ASCII version. In addition, the file is available in the American Fact Finder and in ASCII format through FTP.

Software Version:

  1. U.S. Summary. DVD containing all the substate data in Summary File 1 file (V1-D00-S1S1-08-US1). Geography: states, metropolitan statistical areas (1999 definitions), counties, county subdivisions, places (i.e., cities and census designated places), ZIP Code Tabulation Areas®, congressional districts (106th Congress), American Indian and Alaska Native Areas, Hawaiian Home Lands, census tracts, census block groups, and census blocks. Note: the file has data for the state parts of geographical areas that are in more than one state (e.g., American Indian reservations and metro areas); users would have to download the parts and total them. File also includes one-page profiles of most geographic areas.
  2. State files. CD-ROMs containing Summary File 1 data for individual states on one or more discs. Geography: state, metropolitan statistical areas (1999 definitions), counties, county subdivisions, places (i.e., cities and census designated places), ZIP Code Tabulation Areas®, congressional districts (106th Congress), American Indian and Alaska Native Areas, Hawaiian Home Lands, census tracts, census block groups, and census blocks. Note: the state file has data for the parts of geographical areas that are within the state (e.g., American Indian reservations and metro areas) and does not include the parts found in other states. File also includes one-page profiles of most geographic areas. (See listing below for product IDs)
  3. National file. One DVD containing Summary File 1 data for larger geographic areas (V1-D00-S1ST-08-NAT1). Geography: United States, regions, divisions, states, counties, county subdivisions, places (i.e., cities and census designated places), metropolitan statistical areas, ZIP Code Tabulation Areas®, congressional districts (106th Congress), American Indian and Alaska Native Areas, and Hawaiian Home Lands. Users needing totals for geographical areas that are in more than one state (e.g., American Indian reservations and metro areas) will find them easier to obtain from this file than from the U.S. Summary file (see above).

ASCII Version

  1. U.S. Summary. Two DVD set (V1-D00-S1S1-06-US1). Same geographical areas as on the software version of the U.S. Summary.
  2. State files. CD-ROMs for states in compressed ASCII format, with states stacked to conserve space. Same geographical areas as on the software version of the state files. (See listing below for product IDs)
  3. National file. One DVD containing Summary File 1 data for larger geographic areas (V1-D00-S1A1-06-US1). Same geographical areas as on the software version of the National file.

Subject content: Summary File 1 contains population and housing data based on Census 2000 questions asked of all people and about every housing unit. A total of 286 data tables are included in this file.

Population items include: sex, age, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, household relationship, and household and family characteristics. Housing items include occupancy status and tenure (whether the unit is owner- or renter-occupied). Technical documentation has a complete list of tables. For additional information, see the Product Profile.

Geography: United States, regions, divisions, states, counties, county subdivisions (10,000 or more population), places (10,000 or more population), metropolitan statistical areas, ZIP Code Tabulation Areas, congressional districts (106th Congress), American Indian and Alaska Native Areas, and Hawaiian Home Lands.

Census contact: Customer Services Center (orders), 301-763-INFO(4636); Demographic Call Center (content), 301-763-2422 or toll-free at 1-866-758-1060

State Files (Software Version)

State Files (ASCII Version)

Released August 24, 2001

Disc 1: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia | C1-D00-S1S1-06-SF01 | Released August 24, 2001

Disc 2: California | C1-D00-S1S1-06-SF02 | Released August 24, 2001

Disc 3: Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho | C1-D00-S1S1-06-SF03 | Released August 24, 2001

Disc 4: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa | C1-D00-S1S1-06-SF04 | Released August 24, 2001

Disc 5: Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts | C1-D00-S1S1-06-SF05 | Released August 24, 2001

Disc 6: Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri | C1-D00-S1S1-06-SF06 | Released August 24, 2001

Disc 7: Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico | C1-D00-S1S1-06-SF07 | Released August 24, 2001

Disc 8: New York, North Carolina, North Dakota | C1-D00-S1S1-06-SF08 | Released August 24, 2001

Disc 9: Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon | C1-D00-S1S1-06-SF09 | Released August 24, 2001

Disc 10: Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee | C1-D00-S1S1-06-SF10 | Released August 24, 2001

Disc 11: Texas, Utah, Vermont | C1-D00-S1S1-06-SF11 | Released August 24, 2001

Disc 12: Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming | C1-D00-S1S1-06-SF12 | Released August 24, 2001

Source: US Census Bureau | Customer Liaison & Marketing Services | Customer Services Center