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68 FR 66155 - ADB-03-08
Nov 25, 2003

Pipeline Safety: Self-Assessment of Pipeline Operator Public Education Programs

SUMMARY: RSPA’s Office of Pipeline Safety (RSPA/OPS) is issuing this advisory bulletin to owners and operators of hazardous liquid pipelines, gas transmission pipelines, gas distribution pipeline systems and gathering pipeline systems regulated under the Federal pipeline safety regulations at 49 CFR Parts 192 and 195. In an advisory bulletin issued September 5, 2003 (68 FR 52816) RSPA/ OPS noted that the Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002 (PSIA) requires each owner or operator of a gas or hazardous liquid pipeline system to implement a continuous public education program on the use of one call notification systems and other damage prevention activities, the indications of and hazards of an unintended release of product from a pipeline, the public safety steps required after a release, and how to report pipeline product releases. This advisory reminds pipeline operators that they must complete and submit self-assessments of their public education programs to RSPA/OPS for receipt no later than December 17, 2003, to meet the deadline established in the PSIA.

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