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71 FR 67703 - ADB-06-03
Nov 22, 2006

Pipeline Safety: Notice to Operators of Natural Gas and Hazardous Liquid Pipelines To Accurately Locate and Mark Underground Pipelines Before Construction-Related Excavation Activities Commence Near the Pipelines

SUMMARY: This advisory reminds and reinforces the importance of safe locating excavation practices near underground pipelines. PHMSA’s pipeline safety regulations require pipeline operators to implement damage prevention programs to protect underground pipelines during construction related excavation. In addition, PHMSA recommends pipeline operators excavating in areas populated with other pipelines and utilities follow all consensus best practices and guidelines developed by the Common Ground Alliance. Recent serious incidents especially reinforce the importance of accurately locating and marking pipelines and highlight an urgent need for pipeline operators to review how they implement their damage prevention programs to prevent further accidents caused by construction related damage. This Advisory Bulletin provides guidance on how to do this.

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