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AERE Workshop on Recreation Demand Modeling

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1. Benefits Analysis
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Revealed Preference
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Revealed Preference - Travel Cost
Environmental Media/Problems covered: b. Water
b. Water - Surface
Morey, Edward
Rowe, Robert D.
Smith, V. Kerry
EPA Project Officer/ Manager:
Fisher, Ann
Geographic Area:
United States
Study Purpose:
Empirical Application, Methodology Development & Evaluation
Report Series:
Association of Environmental and Resource Economists' Workshop
Inventory Record #: EE-0137
List of all reports in the Series:
1) Estimating and Valuing Morbidity in a Policy Context: Proceedings of June 1989 AERE Workshop
2) Marine Pollution and Environmental Damage Assessment
3) Integrating The Environment and The Economy: Proceedings of June 1994 Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Workshop
4) Marine and Sport Fisheries Economic Valuation and Management
5) Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement: Theory and Practice, Workshop
You are here--> 6) AERE Workshop on Recreation Demand Modeling
7) Benefits Transfer: Procedures, Problems, and Research Needs, 1992 Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Workshop, Snowbird, Utah
8) The Management of Nonpoint-Source Pollution: The 1991 AERE Workshop Papers

The topic of the workshop was issues associated with modeling the demand and valuation of recreational resources. Three themes that are associated with the current research on the economics of valuing outdoor recreational resources provided the basis for organizing a day and a half of sessions at the workshop. The first of these themes was in the modeling of the role of site attributes and determining the demand for recreational sites. Closely related to modeling is the issue, considered in the second session, of how to model the demands for recreational sites within a given region. The objective of the third session was to appraise our current understanding of the modeling of non-user values.
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