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Course Descriptions

US-EPA, Region 4, SESD, Athens, Georgia

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The listing below shows the course title, course description and course contact of the training courses that SESD can provide. For a complete list of courses and course offerings, or to register, go to NetiOnline.com.

Select from the following training categories:

Water and RCRA Enforcement

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Activated Sludge Process Control

This training is designed for State inspectors and treatment plant operators. This course includes in-depth hands-on training in the areas of principles of operation of activated sludge process control testing combined with an evaluation of activated sludge operating parameters. As part of this course, class participants will evaluate the operation and performance of an actual wastewater treatment plant using process control test results and operating parameter determinations.

Trent Rainey (706) 355-8576, Rainey.Trent@epa.gov
Louis Salguero (706) 355-8732, Salguero.Louis@epa.gov

Hazardous Waste Site Sampling Course

This course remains the basic training track for entry level State and Federal Scientists and Engineers in Region 4 and is the only course of its type taught by EPA field investigators. The course covers the introduction to field investigations with discussions of water, soil, waste, and groundwater sampling. Special lectures on geophysics, well installation, hazardous waste chemical reactivity and the new Method 5035 for low level VOC analysis are included on the agenda. Data quality objectives (DQOs) are emphasized throughout the course, as are actual case histories. Safety, although not a part of the curriculum, is inserted in all applicable lectures such as air monitoring. The course is supported by a practical outdoor exercise that emphasizes a hands-on approach to the use of field sampling equipment and related tools.

Kevin Simmons (706) 355-8730, Simmons.Kevin@epa.gov


NPDES Inspection Workshops

These courses focus on NPDES Inspection procedures with detail in areas of record keeping, flow measurement, field measurements, and sampling procedures including the use of automatic samplers. Depending on the needs of the class, these courses include "hands-on" training of flow measurement, sampling and field analytical equipment. The courses may also include on-the-job training consisting of joint EPA-State inspections of NPDES facilities.

Ron Phelps (706) 355-8728, Phelps.Ron@epa.gov

Performance Evaluations of Wastewater Treatment Plants

This course focuses on basic principles of operation and evaluation of the various wastewater treatment processes including natural systems, fixed-film systems, activated sludge, and advanced treatment systems. The course will include a review of physical observations, design criteria, and process control observations which are critical to evaluating treatment plant performance. Site visits of two types of treatment process (fixed film and activated sludge) are included.

Trent Rainey (706) 355-8576, Rainey.Trent@epa.gov

Performance Audit Inspection Training

This course focuses on the key elements of a performance audit inspection with particular emphasis on inspecting NPDES laboratory facilities. This course includes an in-depth review of the common NPDES laboratory and field parameters including the required analytical methods, proper laboratory records, and sample handling and preservation requirements. Depending on the needs of the class, this course may include a detailed review of sampling procedures and use of automatic samplers.

Ron Phelps (706) 355-8728, Phelps.Ron@epa.gov

Basic Wastewater Treatment Orientation for New Inspectors Combined with on-the-job training for NPDES Compliance Inspections

This course includes presentations on physical, biological, and chemical wastewater treatment processes. Combines classroom presentations with on-the-job training for conducting NPDES Inspections (CSIs, CEIs, PAIs) of wastewater treatment plants.

Mike Bowden (706) 355-8734, Bowden.Mike@epa.gov

Flow Measurement at Wastewater Treatment Plants

This one and half day course provides training on the various open and closed channel flow devices commonly used at wastewater treatment facilities. Also covers appropriate calibration checks needed to ensure flow measurement devices used at WWTPs are accurate. This course will be attended by State and/or Federal inspectors.

Louis Salguero (706) 355-8732, Salguero.Louis@epa.gov

Introduction To Wastewater Treatment for RCRA Inspectors

This one and half day course is intended to introduce RCRA inspectors to physical, chemical, and biological treatment methods that may be seen at RCRA facilities. Actual case studies are presented to illustrate the various treatment methods.

Kevin Simmons (706) 355-8730, Simmons.Kevin@epa.gov


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Advanced Monitor Well Installation Course

This course is offered to State and Federal personnel to provide detailed instruction on the proper installation and sampling of permanent and temporary ground water monitor wells. This course involves both class room and field instruction. The classroom portion provides instruction on drilling methods, materials of construction, filter pack design, development techniques, grouting, well completion alternatives, sampling methods, and associated safety concerns. Direct push ground water acquisition techniques may also be covered. The field portion of the workshop involves actual drilling and installation of a shallow permanent monitor well.

Brian Striggow (706) 355-8619, Striggow.Brian@epa.gov

Contractor Standard Operating Procedures and Overview Course

This course is offered to US-EPA Region 4 contractors involved in Superfund field investigative work. The Region 4, Environmental Investigations Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual is used as the basis for the course. The course is similar to the Hazardous Waste Site sampling course in content, but emphasizes the contractor overview aspect of field operations with heavy emphasis on the EPA sampling methods, including the Data Quality Objectives process.

Kevin Simmons (706) 355-8730, Simmons.Kevin@epa.gov

Air Quality

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Air Monitoring Workshop

An air monitoring workshop for the state, local, and tribes who conduct air monitoring in Region 4. Current air monitoring methods, regulations, and requirements will be covered. Potential topics include PM2.5, revisions to the air monitoring networks, status of new National Ambient Air Quality Standards, Clear Skies Initiative.

Danny France (706) 355-8738, france.danny@epa.gov

Air Toxics Risk Characterization Workshop

A workshop for state, local, and tribes who conduct air toxics monitoring, modeling, or risk assessment in Region 4. Topics covered include air toxics monitoring networks, new air toxics monitoring methods, siting of air toxics monitoring, modeling air toxics for risk characterization, risk assessment.

Danny France (706) 355-8738, france.danny@epa.gov

Water Quality

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Introduction to Water Quality Investigations

The course provides an introduction to methods of conducting water quality investigations in support of TMDLs, Wasteload Allocation Investigations, etc. Topics include: how to conduct hydrological, limnological, oxygen dynamics, wetland characterization, and benthic macro-invertebrate investigations/studies. Field exercises and case histories will be used to illustrate how the data are acquired and used to make decisions. The course is aimed for state, federal and tribal employees with little or no knowledge of "how to" conduct water quality investigations. It is anticipated that the course will be provided in three full days including a half day field exercise. The Ecological Assessment Branch Field Standard Operating Procedures will be used as the text book for the course.

Bill Cosgrove (706) 355-8616, Cosgrove.Bill@epa.gov


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Microbiology Workshop

The Microbiology workshop focuses on familiar microbiology issues concerning laboratory audit problems, regulations, new and old analytical methods and procedures, calculations, quality control, proficiency tests, initial demonstrations of capability, and continuing demonstration of capability. The course additionally examines requirements for Drinking Water ( DW) Laboratory Certification, Chapter 5 of the revised "Critical Elements for Microbiology". The course will review the "Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants under the Clean water Act, national Primary DW Regulations and National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations Methods.

Marilyn Maycock (706) 355-8553, Maycock.Marilyn@epa.gov

Quality Assurance

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Quality Assurance Project Plan Workshop

This course is offered to EPA, State and Tribal personnel who are responsible for preparing Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) to meet EPA's quality system requirements. The workshop is designed to give participants an overview of EPA's quality assurance requirements, elements of a QAPP, development of a systematic planning process and data assessment.

Marilyn Maycock (706) 355-8553, Maycock.Marilyn@epa.gov

Quality Management Plan Workshop

This course is offered to EPA, State and Tribal personnel who are responsible for preparing Quality Management Plans (QMPs) to meet EPA's grant conditions. This workshop is designed to provide participants with a detailed overview of EPA's QMP requirements as it pertains to the collection of environmental data and other extramural activities.

Marilyn Maycock (706) 355-8553, Maycock.Marilyn@epa.gov

Data Quality Objective Process Workshop

This training course is designed to familiarize EPA, State and Tribal personnel with EPA's data quality objectives process (or systematic planning process) as it applies to the collection of environmental data. This workshop is designed to provide participants with an overview of the seven steps in the DQO process. The instructor will assist participants with hands-on experience in developing a set of DQOs using an example site assessment project.

Marilyn Maycock (706) 355-8553, Maycock.Marilyn@epa.gov

ESAT Project Officer Training

This training course will provide re-certification for EPA Regional Project Officers (POs) and Task Order/Project Officers (TO/POs). The course title is "Acquisition Training for Project Officers". All existing POs and TO/POs must attend this mandatory re-certfication training to remain a Contract Officer's Representative (COR).

Sandra Aker (706) 355-8772, Aker.Sandra@epa.gov

Data Validation Course

This training course is offered to EPA, State and Tribal personnel who are responsible for validating or reviewing environmental data. This course is designed to provide participants with an overview of the data validation process as it applies to environmental data collection within Region 4. Course material will include EPA's National Functional Guidelines for Organic and Inorganic data review and Region 4 Standard Operating Procedures for CLP Program Data

Marilyn Maycock (706) 355-8553, Maycock.Marilyn@epa.gov

Radiochemistry Workshop

This annual National Radiochemistry Workshop deals with reducing the exposure of radionuclides in drinking water by reviewing and discussing Radiochemistry issues relating to methods, procedures, audits, standards, proficiency tests, regulations, emerging analytes, and specifics of the Radionuclide Rule.

Marilyn Maycock (706) 355-8553, Maycock.Marilyn@epa.gov

If you need additional information or assistance with training contact:
Mike Bowden (706) 355-8734, Bowden.Mike@epa.gov

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