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Retrofit Rebuild Requirements for 1993 and Earlier Model Year Urban Buses; Appoval of a Notification of Intent to Certify Equipment

 [Federal Register: December 13, 1995 (Volume 60, Number 239)]
[Page 64046-64048]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [FRC-5344-8] Retrofit Rebuild Requirements for 1993 and Earlier Model Year Urban Buses; Appoval of a Notification of Intent to Certify Equipment AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency. ACTION: Notice of agency certification of equipment for the urban bus retrofit/rebuild program.
SUMMARY: The Agency received a notification of intent to certify equipment signed March 13, 1995 from the Cummins Engine Company (Cummins) with principal place of business at BOX 3005, COLUMBUS, IN 47202-3005, for certification of urban bus retrofit/rebuild equipment pursuant to 40 CFR Sections 85.1401-85.1415. The equipment is applicable to Cummins petroleum-fueled LTA10-B model petroleum fueled 4-stroke heavy-duty engines that were originally manufactured between November 1985 and December 1992. On June 21, 1995, EPA published a notice in the Federal Register that the notification had been received and made the notification available for public review and comment for a period of 45-days (60 FR 32316). EPA has completed its review of this notification, and the comments received, and the Director of the Engine Programs and Compliance Division <SUP>1 has determined that it meets all the requirements for certification. Accordingly, EPA approves the certification of this equipment effective December 13, 1995. \1\ The Office of Mobile Sources underwent a reorganization in September 1995 in which the responsibility to oversee the Urban Bus Retrofit/Rebuild Program and approve certification was assigned to the Director of the Engine Programs and Compliance Division. Formerly, this responsibility was assigned to the Director of the Manufacturers Operations Division. The regulations at 40 CFR Sections 85.1401-85.1415 will be amended in the near future to reflect this change.

The certified equipment provides 25 percent or greater reduction in exhaust emissions of particulate matter (PM) for the engines for which it is certified, and meets the life-cycle cost requirements of the urban bus retrofit/rebuild program for certification. As such, it triggers the requirements for operators choosing to comply with compliance program 1 for applicable engines. This equipment may also be used by operators choosing to comply with compliance program 2. The Cummins' notification, as well as other materials specifically relevant to it, are contained in Public Docket A-93-42, category VIII, entitled ``Certification of Urban Bus Retrofit/Rebuild Equipment''. This docket is located in room M-1500, Waterside Mall (Ground Floor), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street SW, Washington, DC 20460.
Docket items may be inspected from 8:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. As provided in 40 CFR Part 2, a reasonable fee may be charged by the Agency for copying docket materials.

DATES: The date of this notice December 13, 1995 is the effective date of certification for the equipment described in the Cummins notification. This certified equipment may be used immediately by urban bus operators. Operators who have chosen to comply with Program 1 will be required to utilize this equipment (or other applicable equipment that is certified in the meantime) for any engine that is listed in Table B that undergoes rebuild on or after June 13, 1996.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anthony Erb, Technical Support Branch, Engine Programs and Compliance Division (6405J), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St. SW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Telephone: (202) 233-9259.


I. Background

By a notification of intent to certify signed March 13, 1995, Cummins applied for certification of equipment applicable to the LTA10- B model urban bus engines that were originally manufactured between November 1985 and December 1992. Two separate horsepower/torque ratings are to apply for each Control Parts List (CPL), <SUP>2 either 270 horsepower and 860 foot-pounds of torque or 240 horsepower and 750 foot-pounds of torque. This equipment will reduce PM emissions 25 percent or more, on petroleum-fueled diesel engines that have been rebuilt to Cummins specifications. Life-cycle cost analysis information was submitted with the Cummins notification, along with a guarantee that the equipment will be offered to all affected operators for less than the incremental life cycle cost ceiling of $2,000 (1992 dollars). Cummins listed the total kit price to be $5,930 including an incremental increase of $1,435 for component parts. Installation costs, maintenance costs and fuel costs were stated to be unchanged. This equipment triggers program requirements for the 25reduction standard for the applicable engines.

\2\ The CPL is a number that identifies a specific Cummins part or component.

All components of the candidate equipment are contained in a combination of two kits. The first kit is common to both horsepower/ torque ratings and consists of a camshaft, cam key, cylinder kits, and a fuel plumbing kit. The second kit contains the injectors, cylinder head, turbocharger and fuel pump and is ordered based on the horsepower/torque rating that is desired. The first kit in combination with one of the second kits is required for the rebuild of an engine. Using engine dynamometer testing in accordance with the Federal Test Procedure for heavy-duty diesel engines, Cummins documented significant reductions in PM emissions. Emission test data supplied by Cummins in the notification are shown in Table A. The data indicate that the applicable engines with the certified

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equipment installed comply with applicable Federal emission standards for hydrocarbon (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOX), and smoke emissions. These data also demonstrate reductions in PM exhaust emissions. Table A.--Test Engine Emissions [g/bhp-hr] <SUP>3 Engine Baseline Emission Levels Smoke HC CO NOX PM ACC LUG PEAK <SUP>3 The baseline emission level for each pollutant is based on either the certification level or the average test audit result. Table B.--Retrofit/Rebuild Certification Levels For Cummins Equipment <SUP>4 Retrofit PM Original PM certification Control certification level (g/bhp- (CPL) hr) and 270 HP ratings trading program.


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