Arterial Management Program
time-lapse photo of traffic traveling in both directions on an urban arterial road
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Arterial Management Program

What's New

2007 Traffic Signal Report Card - The report card identifies the need for additional investment in traffic signal operations. Several jurisdictions successfully made improvements since 2005 and are highlighted in the report.

ACS-Lite - Improving the effectiveness of signal timing with technology. ACS-Lite is a low cost adaptive solution for closed-loop signal systems.

Traffic Signal Timing Manual - A concise guide for developing and implementing traffic signal timing.

Regional Traffic Signal Operations - Agencies are improving traffic signal operations by leveraging regional resources beyond just coordinating traffic signals. Training, professional development and equipment specifications are examples of tasks that can be administered regionally. Puget Sound and Kansas City offer great examples of how this concept can be developed and applied.

Traffic signals and the design of arterial facilities affect us daily as we travel to and from work, school, shopping and recreational facilities. There are an estimated 272,000 traffic signals in the United States and each has a profound impact on how safely and efficiently we share the space of intersections as we travel to our destinations. In many major metropolitan areas, the freeway system is functioning at or beyond the capacity for which it was designed. Many drivers are choosing to use arterial streets as an alternative. The growing demand on arterial systems creates congestion on the thoroughfares that define our cities and suburbs. The Arterial Management program is dedicated to actively improving the operation of traffic signal systems and employing techniques to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion on arterial networks.

photo of cars at traffic signals at intersections

Focus Areas

Program Resources

Office of Operations