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Air Pollution Control; Motor Vehicle Emission Factors

[Page 45802-45803]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Air Pollution Control; Motor Vehicle Emission Factors

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of public workshop.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency is now in the process of
developing revisions and improvements to the highway vehicle emission
factor model (the MOBILE model). The current version of the model,
MOBILE5a, was released for use March 26, 1993. The next version of the
model, MOBILE6, is tentatively planned for completion early in 1998 and
release for use in the summer of 1998. This notice announces the second
public workshop for the purpose of discussing issues raised by the
pending revisions to the model. At this workshop, EPA will present
results of analyses that have been completed to date, raise new issues
for discussion and comment, and generally provide an update as to the
progress that has been made since the first MOBILE6 workshop held in
March, 1997. There is likely to be one additional MOBILE6 workshop,
probably in the spring of 1998. As at the March 1997 workshop, this
workshop will also include a presentation on EPA's progress in the
development of a nonroad mobile source emissions inventory model.

DATES: The workshop will be held Wednesday, October 1 and Thursday,
October 2, 1997. The times are from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm October 1, and
8:30 am to 5 pm October 2. All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

ADDRESSES: The workshop will be held in Powsley Auditorium of the
Morris Lawrence Building, Washtenaw Community College, 400 East Huron
River Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Directions to the workshop can be
requested from the contact person listed below, or through accessing
the OMS World Wide Web (WWW) site (www.epa.gov/omswww/). Information on
how to electronically access this and other workshop-related
information appears below.

Mobile Sources, Assessment and Modeling Division, Emission Inventory
Group, 2565 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor MI 48105. Telephone: (313) 741-
7902; fax (313) 741-7939.
    This notice, as well as related information concerning the
workshop, may be found in the OMS section of the EPA Web site. To
access this information using the WWW:

gopher: gopher.epa.gov  menus->Offices: Air: OMS
ftp: ftp.epa.gov  Chg Dir->pub/gopher/OMS

    Workshop-related files, including a copy of this notice, a map
showing the location of WCC and the Morris Lawrence Building, and later
additional information as described in the body of this announcement,
will be found at the OMS Section, Models & Utilities Subsection.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under section 130 of the Clean Air Act
Amendments of 1990, EPA is required to review, and to revise as
necessary, the emission factors used to estimate emissions of volatile
organic compounds (VOC), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxides of nitrogen
(NO X) from area and mobile sources. In the case of highway
vehicles, emission factors for these pollutants as a function of
various parameters are estimated using the highway vehicle emission
factor model, commonly referred to as MOBILE. This model, first
developed in the late 1970s, has been revised, updated, and improved
periodically since that time to account for increasing data and
analyses concerning in-use emissions performance of highway vehicles,
changes in vehicle and emission control technology, changes in fuel
composition, strengthening of applicable emission standards,
refinements to applicable test procedures, and other items that affect
in-use emission levels.
    Section 130 of the Act requires that this emission factor review,
and revision as needed, be performed at least every three years. As
noted above, the current official version of the model, MOBILE5a, was
released in March 1993. Since that time, two interim updates to the
model have been developed, MOBILE5a__H (released in November 1995) and
MOBILE5b (released in October 1996). While not involving revision and
update to the entire model, these versions were developed to address
specific needs on the part of emission factor users. MOBILE5a__H
incorporated a number of changes intended to improve the ability of
modelers, particularly States and local/regional governments, in
estimating the benefits of various innovative inspection and
maintenance (I/M) programs and to improve the accuracy of modeling
situations in which such programs change over time or different
programs are applied to different subsets of the covered fleet.
MOBILE5b greatly simplified the use of the features first provided in
MOBILE5a__H, and included a number of other minor changes, corrections,
and improvements.
    The time elapsed since the last complete revision to the model and
the additional test data and analyses available since that time warrant
another thorough update and revision to the model. OMS plans
significant changes not only to the underlying emission factor
estimates, but to how emission factors are modeled to account for
things such as separation of start and running exhaust emissions,
roadway facility type, average traffic speeds, and a number of other
important changes that will affect the input information required to
use the model as well as the type of information produced by the

[[Page 45803]]

model. The first MOBILE6 workshop last March presented an overview of
the more important model revisions being planned. Since then,
considerable analyses have been performed, and the model revisions
proposed in March have been modified to some extent in response
comments received since then. At this workshop, results will be
presented in a number of topical areas that were discussed only in
terms of proposals at the first workshop.
    The tentative agenda for this workshop is discussed below. Other
aspects of the modeling of highway vehicle emissions that are not
specifically included within the following discussion may also be
briefly addressed in this workshop; however, the agenda discussed below
is intended to illustrate the major areas of discussion for the
    The workshop being announced by today's notice will span two days.
In an effort to facilitate travel plans on the part of attendees, a
preliminary agenda for the two days is presented below. Note that, as
was done for the March 1997 workshop, the first day (October 1) is
largely devoted to ``technical'' issues involved in updating and
revising the model, including revisions to emission factors and
calculation methodologies, while the second day (October 2) is focused
more on ``user changes,'' meaning those revisions planned that will
affect the input data requirements and file structure and output
changes. The update on the progress of EPA's development of a nonroad
emission inventory model will also be presented on the second day. Many
attendees will likely want to be present for both sessions, however,
some may find that they can limit their attendance to one or the other
days based on their specific interests and needs.
    Topics to be discussed on October 1. The first day of the workshop
is planned to include discussion of the stakeholder review process;
start-related emissions, separation of start from running (driving)
exhaust emissions, and revisions to the basic emission rate equations;
the use of facility-specific driving cycles and means for weighting
such emission factors by vehicle miles traveled (VMT) to develop area-
wide emission factor estimates; the impacts of air conditioning use on
exhaust emissions; the effects of fuel sulfur content on emissions, and
of fuel oxygenate content on carbon monoxide (CO) emissions; the
modeling of heavy-duty vehicle emissions; and revisions and
improvements to evaporative emissions estimates (including real-time
diurnals, resting losses, liquid leaks, and hot soak emissions). Each
presentation will be followed by a short discussion/question and answer
period, and there should be some time left at the end of the day for
more general open discussion of the material that has been presented.
    These are the main areas in which presentations are planned for the
first day of the workshop. Results of test programs and data analyses
will be presented where available, and in all subject areas plans for
additional work and proposed revisions to the model's treatment of each
area will be discussed.
    Topics to be discussed on October 2. On the second day, EPA will
present its proposal for modeling the benefits of second-generation
onboard diagnostic systems (OBD-II) in MOBILE6. This will be followed
by discussions of the changes to input files/structure/content and
proposed changes to the output files produced by the model. A
significant amount of time will be spent on these ``input/output''
issues on the second day, as EPA is hoping to engage workshop attendees
in active discussions concerning these changes.
    The last presentation on October 2 will be an update on the
development of the proposed nonroad emission inventory model for mobile
sources. The workshop will conclude with reminders to the audience on
how to keep abreast of progress, stakeholder review and comment of
products to be used in MOBILE6 and the nonroad emission inventory
model, and discussion of the schedule for development of MOBILE6 and
the nonroad emission inventory model over the coming months.
    Additional Information. To the extent possible, EPA will post
material at the OMS Web site described under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
CONTACT, above, in advance of the workshop. Those planning to attend,
and those interested in following the progress of workshop planning
more closely, should periodically visit the workshop information site.
For example, some of the presentation materials that will be used at
the workshop will be posted in advance to facilitate discussion and
comment at the workshop.

    Dated: August 22, 1997.
Richard D. Wilson,
Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation.

[FR Doc. 97-23034 Filed 8-28-97; 8:45 am]


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