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Whooping Crane Photo Gallery

Dan has taken these 8 day old whoopers out for a walk. They've been following him in the grass, good exercise for growing legs and feet. After the walk, he rewards the chicks by offering them mealworms in a bowl. Mealworms are crane "candy," good for a treat, but not a balanced diet. Dan doesn't talk to the chicks, but purrs to them like their parents would, and uses the puppet head to show them the mealworms and encourage them to eat. (Photo by Damien Ossi, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center)

Dan has taken these 8 day old whoopers out for a walk. They've been following him in the grass, good exercise for growing legs and feet. After the walk, he rewards the chicks by offering them mealworms in a bowl. Mealworms are crane "candy," good for a treat, but not a balanced diet. Dan doesn't talk to the chicks, but purrs to them like their parents would, and uses the puppet head to show them the mealworms and encourage them to eat. (Photo by Damien Ossi, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center)

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD, USA
Contact: Jonathan Male
Last Modification: 04-May-2000@11:28 (edt)
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