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Whooping Crane Photo Gallery

Watching whooping cranes dance is a special thrill. As they jump into the air and flap their wings, the freedom and joy in their movements feels contagious. They dance for the same reasons we dance: to court a mate, to celebrate the spring, or sometimes just because it's fun. (USFWS photo)
Watching whooping cranes dance is a special thrill. As they jump into the air and flap their wings, the freedom and joy in their movements feels contagious. They dance for the same reasons we dance: to court a mate, to celebrate the spring, or sometimes just because it's fun. (USFWS photo)

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD, USA
Contact: Jonathan Male
Last Modification: 04-May-2000@11:20 (edt)
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