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Digital Libraries: Harmful Algae

The following Sea Grant documents are arranged alphabetically by title. Click on the NSGL document number (following the title) to view the full-text digital version of the publication. The originating Sea Grant program can be identified by the institution code in the document number.

Documents that are not digitally available may be ordered from the NSGL (loan copy only) or the issuing Sea Grant institution.


Red Tides/PSP | Brown Tides| Ciguatera | Killer Algae | Pfiesteria | Invasive Seaweed

Red Tides/PSP

All about red tide. MEU-G-81-001

Chemical investigations of paralytic shellfish poisoning in Alaska. AKU-T-78-005

Dinoflagellate blooms and physical systems in the Gulf of Maine. WHOI-X-90-001

Economic impact of paralytic shellfish poison on the oyster industry in the Pacific United States. CUIMR-W-84-002 pp. 331-343

Gathering safe shellfish in Washington: avoiding paralytic shellfish poisoning. WASHU-G-94-001

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the United States. WHOI-G-98-004

Harmful algal blooms on the North American west coast. AKU-W-99-005

Interaction between paralytic shellfish poison and clam melanin and protein (thesis abstract). ORESU-X1-72-004

Know about red tides! NOT YET DIGITALLY AVAILABLE (RIU-G-79-001)

Natural marine toxins. CUIMR-G-95-001

Natural toxins and human pathogens in the marine environment. MDU-W-82-002

New England red tide. MIT-G-79-001

Problems of paralytic shellfish poisoning. SCU-T-85-001 pp. 32-35

Problems of paralytic shellfish poisoning. SCU-O-85-001 pp. 28-30

Proceedings of the first international conference on toxic dinoflagellate blooms. NOT YET DIGITALLY AVAILABLE (MIT-W-74-002)

Paralytic shellfish poisoning. CUIMR-G-91-003

Paralytic shellfish poisoning and red tides. CUIMR-G-89-001

Paralytic shellfish poisoning in shellfish aquaculture: the state regulatory problem. TAMU-W-82-002 pp. 21-32

Paralytic shellfish poisoning: the Alaska problem. AKU-G-96-003

Phytoplankton monitoring program 2001 report. NHU-G-02-002

Poisons in your seafood: the myths and realities of marine biotoxins and red tides (video description). WHOI-F-93-003

Preliminary observations on paralytic shellfish poisoning in central Puget Sound. TAMU-W-82-002 pp. 33-37

Progress of shellfish toxin research: implications of toxic resting cysts for aquaculture. TAMU-W-82-002 pp. 49-62

Recent developments in paralytic shellfish poisoning. CUIMR-W-84-002 pp. 317-329

Recreational seafood safety. FLSGP-H-91-003

Red tide. RIU-TL-79-002

Red tide in the northeast. RIU-G-89-001

Red tide in Texas: an explanation of the phenomenon. TAMU-G-86-006

Red tide: the facts. SCSGC-G-88-003

Red tides (The fertile fjord: Chapter 8). NOT YET DIGITALLY AVAILABLE (WASHU-T-83-003 pp. 112-118)

Salmon farming and noxious phytoplankton. NOT YET DIGITALLY AVAILABLE (WASHU-W-90-001)

Seasonal abundance of "Protogonyaulax" sp. causing paralytic shellfish poisoning in Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan, 1978-1980. AKU-W-80-002 pp. 319-327

Shellfish aquaculture and paralytic shellfish poisoning. TAMU-W-82-002 pp. 38-48

Spectrofluorometric differentiation of the red tide alga, "Gonyaulax tamarensis" from other algae common to New England waters. MIT-T-77-008

Studies unravels mystery of public health threat. WHOI-G-94-002

The economics of harmful algal blooms (HABs): an annotated bibliography. FLSGP-L-99-001

The interactions between microzooplanktonic grazers and dinoflagellates causing red tides in the open coastal waters off southern California (dissertation abstract). CUIMR-X-95-001

The invasion of the red tide in North Carolina coastal waters. NCU-T-88-002

The Massachusetts Bay outfall. WHOI-G-98-003

The newly discovered attack alga and its relationship to fish kills. NCU-W-93-001 pp. 48-58

The uptake, distribution and modification of PSP toxins in intertidal organisms (thesis abstract). WASHU-X-85-005

Toxic algal blooms: an international directory of experts in toxic and harmful algal blooms and their effects on fisheries and public health. WHOI-D-90-001

Toxic dinoflagellates and marine mammal mortalities. WHOI-W-89-002

Toxinas marinas naturales (In Spanish only). CUIMR-G-93-005

Truths and myths about PSP. AKU-G-98-002

What is the threat of harmful algal blooms in Louisiana coastal waters? LSU-R-99-017

Brown Tides

Beyond Pfiesteria: harmful algae in coastal waters. NCU-O-98-004 pp. 14-19

Brown Tide Bulletin. NJMSC-G-99-003

Novel phytoplankton blooms: causes and impacts of recurrent brown tides and other unusual blooms. NYSGI-W-88-002 (copyright protected—contact NSGL for loan copy)


A study of ciguatera fish poisoning in the Virgin Islands area. CRI-T-73-001

Ciguatera and the feeding habits of the greater amberjack, "Seriola dumerili", in the Hawaiian archipelago. HAWAU-W-83-003 pp. 237-264

Ciguatera fish poisoning: questions and answers. PRU-G-86-002

Ciguatera in the northeastern Caribbean. PRU-G-92-005

Ciguatera research in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands: laboratory and field studies on ciguatoxigenic dinoflagellates in the Hawaiian archipelago. HAWAU-W-83-002 pp. 144-156

Ecology, genetic variability and physiology of the ciguatera-causing dinoflagellate "Gambierdiscus toxicus" Adachi and Fukuyo (dissertation abstract). FLSGP-X-87-001

La ciguatera (in Spanish only). NOT YET DIGITALLY AVAILABLE (PRU-G-83-008)

Ciguatera seafood poisoning: a circumtropical fisheries problem. MDU-W-82-002 pp. 1-8

Proceedings of the third international conference: Ciguatera. PRU-W-90-001

Production, identification, and characterization of multiple toxins responsible for ciguatera in the Caribbean and tropical Atlantic. ILIN-O-91-001

Radioimmunoassay results of ciguatera analysis of fishers in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands, 1980-81. HAWAU-W-83-003 pp. 226-236

Recreational seafood safety. FLSGP-H-91-003

Seasonal abundance of "Gambierdiscus toxicus" and "Ostreopsis" sp. in coastal waters of southwest Puerto Rico. PRU-R-85-006

Killer Algae

Can we stop "killer algae" from invading Florida? FLSGP-G-04-003


Killer dinoflagellate fact sheet. NCU-G-94-001

Research on toxic algae: pfiesteria-like organisms. NCU-T-98-001

Solving the mystery of Pfiesteria. NCU-O-97-003 pp. 4-9

Invasive Seaweed

Grateloupia turuturu: a red seaweed invading Long Island Sound. CONN-G-06-004