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Related Links

This page contains links to additional information on lead, EPA resources, and D.C.-area organizations related to the issue of drinking water in the District of Columbia.

DC Drinking Water Compliance Information

You can obtain more information on water suppliers in the District of Columbia through EPA's Safe Drinking Water Query Form for the District of Columbia.

Annual Compliance Reports for the District of Columbia


EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline:
(800) 426-4791

DC WASA Lead Services Hotline:
(202) 787-2732
email waterquality@dcwasa.com

District of Columbia Department of Health (DC DOH) Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer Blood Lead Screening Hotline
(202) 671-0733

EPA Information on Lead

Additional Web Resources

District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer

Washington Aqueduct Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer

D.C. Department of Health Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer

District Department of the Environment

Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer

Certified Drinking Water Laboratories

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer

EPA's Water Health Series

Bottled Water Basics [816-K-05-003, September 2005, PDF, 7 pages, 1.4M, about PDF]

Filtration Facts [816-K-05-002, September 2005, PDF, 7 pages, 1.4M, about PDF]

Additional copies of these publications may also be ordered from EPA’s National Service Center for Environmental Publications. 


The archive section provides links to older information, formerly located in other areas of this site.

Fact sheet on in-home water purification filters (PDF) [2 pp, 227K, About PDF]

Frequently Asked Questions about Drinking Water and Lead

Lead in Water

Fact Sheet: Orthophosphate, Drinking Water and Public Health (September 2004(PDF) [2pp, 23K, About PDF]

Fact Sheet: Health Effects of Lead (August 2004)(PDF) [2pp, 48K, About PDF]

Community Update (PDF) (July 2005)[6pp, 504 K, about pdf]

Research Newsletter (PDF) (July 2005) [8pp, 437 K, about pdf ]

Blood lead level testing fact sheet (PDF) (July 2005 - revised October 2006) [3pp, 88K, about pdf]
Note:  The information presented in the fact sheet represents data from the DC Department of Health blood lead testing program as it was summarized at the original time of publication (July 2005).  EPA will work with members of the Technical Expert Working Group, including the DC Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to provide additional information as it becomes available.  Minor revisions were made to the fact sheet in October 2006; additional revisions will be made, as appropriate, as new information becomes available. Additional information on blood lead testing in the District is available from CDC's website.
Update: A recent (2009) study of blood lead levels in the District has been published in Environmental Science & Technology (vol. 43, no. 5, p. 1618) - Elevated Blood Lead in Young Children Due to Lead-Contaminated Drinking Water: Washington, DC, 2001-2004 (subscription may be required).


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