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Title:U.S. Coast Guard Budget and Management Issues
Date:February 14, 2002
Project ID:CC-2002-104
Summary:The IG testified before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation regarding Coast Guard budgetary and management issues. Key points of the testimony were that: (1) there are a number of uncertainties about Coast Guard’s mission requirements, how it will execute major acquisition projects and control costs; (2) there are significant uncertainties about the Deepwater Capability Replacement Project and the National Distress and Response System Modernization Project (NDS), for which the Coast Guard is seeking a combined $590 million in FY 2003; and (3) the current NDS system is more than 30 years old and has many deficiencies including more than 88 communication coverage gaps, totaling 21,490 square nautical miles along the U.S. coastline where Coast Guard cannot hear mariners.
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Related Information: OIG