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Audit of The Healing Little Hearts Project
Administered By Tender Hearts Against Family Violence, Inc.
Fort Yates, North Dakota

May 24, 1999
Office of the Inspector General


The Office of the Inspector General, Audit Division, has completed an audit of the Healing Little Hearts Project, Grant No. 96-VI-GX-0012, administered by Tender Hearts Against Family Violence, Inc. (Tender Hearts), for the period July 1, 1996, to December 31, 1998. Tender Hearts received an initial and a supplemental award, totaling $134,777, under Grant No. 96-VI-GX-0012 which was effective July 1, 1996, through October 31, 1998. This audit was conducted at the request of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP).

Based on information obtained from former Tender Hearts employees and the grantee's records, we determined that the grantee had implemented substantially all of the planned activities and had met the grant objectives. However, we identified the following concerns:

These weaknesses are discussed in the Findings and Recommendations and Other Matters sections of this report. Our audit scope and methodology are described in Appendix I.