United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration FHWA HomeFeedback

Electronic Forms

  • Annual Certification of Enforcement
    Form FHWA-1564 (PDF file, 129 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 657 and 23 CFR 658

  • Certificate of Enforcement of Heavy Vehicle Use Tax
    Form FHWA-1563 (PDF file, 188 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 669

  • Development and Submittal of Utility Accommodation Policies
    Form FHWA-1560 (PDF file, 31 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 645.211

  • Drug Offender's Driver's License Suspension Certification
    Form FHWA-1559 (PDF file, 31 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 192

  • Eligibility Statement for Utility Adjustments
    Form FHWA-1561 (PDF file, 29 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 645.107

  • Federal-aid Highway Construction Summary of Employment Data
    Form FHWA-1392 (PDF file, 382 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 U.S.C. 140a and 23 CFR 230

  • Federal-aid Highway Construction Contractors Annual EEO Report
    Form FHWA-1391 (PDF file, 338 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 U.S.C. 140a and 23 CFR 230

  • Statement of Materials and Labor Used by Contractors on Highway Construction Involving Federal Funds
    Form FHWA-47 (PDF file, 206 KB)

  • National Scenic Byways Program Discretionary Grant Application - Relevance and Project Details
    Form FHWA-1569 (PDF file, 188 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 U.S.C. 162

  • National Scenic Byways Program Discretionary Grant Application - Basic Work Plan
    Form FHWA-1577 (PDF file, 210 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 U.S.C. 162

  • Budget and Matching Funds for a National Scenic Byways Project
    Form FHWA-1570 (PDF file, 470 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 U.S.C. 162

  • Utility Use and Occupancy Agreements
    Form FHWA-1562 (PDF file, 27 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 645.211

  • State Highway Income
    Form FHWA-531 (Excel file, 67 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 420, 23 CFR 1.5

  • State Highway Expenditures
    Form FHWA-532 (Excel file, 64 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 420, 23 CFR 1.5

  • Highway Capital Outlay and Maintenance Expenditures
    Form FHWA-534 (Excel file, 22 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 420, 23 CFR 1.5

  • Local Highway Finance Report
    Form FHWA-536 (Excel file, 59 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 420, 23 CFR 1.5

  • Toll Facility Receipts and Disbursements
    Form FHWA-539 (Excel file, 57 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 420, 23 CFR 1.5

  • State Transportation Obligations Issued During Year and Allotment of Proceeds
    Form FHWA-541 (Excel file, 42 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 420, 23 CFR 1.5

  • Status of State Transportation Debt
    Form FHWA-542 (Excel file, 38 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 420, 23 CFR 1.5

  • State Transportation Sinking Fund and Debt Service Transactions (Optional)
    Form FHWA-543 (Excel file, 36 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 420, 23 CFR 1.5

  • Monthly Motor-Fuel Consumption
    Form FHWA-551m (Excel file, 59 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 420, 23 CFR 1.5

  • State Motor-Fuel Tax Receipts and Initial Distribution by Collection Agencies
    Form FHWA-556 (Excel file, 53 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 420, 23 CFR 1.5

  • State Specific Motor-Vehicle & Drivers License Forms
    Forms FHWA-561, -562, -566, -571
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 420, 23 CFR 1.5

  • Voucher for Work Performed under Provisions of the Federal Aid and Federal Highways Acts, as Amended
    Form PR-20 (PDF file, 693 KB)
    Related legislation or regulation: 23 CFR 140.609

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