ITS Peer to Peer Program Guidelines





The Peer-to-Peer Program provides short-term technical assistance to agencies facing ITS planning, procurement, deployment, and operational challenges. The program is an important tool for transferring ITS knowledge, resources, and experiences among public agencies involved in the transportation system.  The Peer-to-Peer Program is a collaboration between the ITS Professional Capacity Building Program, U.S Department of Transportation and ITS America



Who is Eligible to Apply for Peer-to-Peer Assistance?


List of allowable applicants (see Definitions) to the Peer-to-Peer Program:


  • State and local Departments of Transportation
  • Transit agencies
  • Metropolitan and Statewide Planning organizations
  • Emergency and public safety organizations
  • Motor carrier offices  


If your agency type does not appear in the above list, call the Peer-to-Peer Program to determine if your agency is eligible.


How is Peer-to-Peer Technical Assistance Delivered?


The most frequently form of peer support involves one of the following:


§         A peer expert (see Definitions) delivers technical assistance by phone.

§         A peer expert visits your agency to engage in face-to-face problem solving.

§         A peer expert travels to a site (for example, a conference) and presents on an ITS topic.

§         A peer expert identifies your ITS challenge as a critical issue faced by many agencies and delivers a webinar on the topic (transferring knowledge to a wide audience).

§         You travel to an agency to observe and learn from an agency peer (see Definitions) who has developed solutions to the challenges you face.


What are the Deliverables for Accepting Peer-to-Peer Funds?


As the recipient of this peer expertise, you are required to submit a Event Evaluation that provides us with details on the quality and effectiveness of the peer exchange.  Additionally, you are required, if requested by the Peer-to-Peer Program, to participate in a Talking Technology and Transportation (T3) webinar, where lessons learned can be shared with the larger ITS community.  


View more information about what your participation in a T3 Webinar will entail.


Definitions Related to Peer-to-Peer Activities:




I.                   APPLICANT is an individual, organization, or other entity seeking ITS support or technical knowledge from a PEER in the ITS Peer to Peer Program.

II.                 AGENCY PEER is an individual who provides technical assistance to the APPLICANT based on his or her agency’s experiences implementing an ITS solution for which the APPLICANT is seeking help.  

III.              PEER EXPERT is an individual selected based on his/her stated expertise in a particular area concerning ITS and the deployment process who provides expertise to a APPLICANT.

IV.               PROPRIETARY INFORMATION means any data or information containing business, commercial or financial information or that embodies trade secrets developed at private expense that is provided by a Host under this Agreement.  Proprietary information includes, but is not limited to, any information disclosed and identified (in written format) as confidential information by the Host, its employees, agents, representatives and consultants to the Peer, such as: the Host’s business, including processes and services; capabilities of the business; marketing and planning programs; product specifications, plans, and drawings; financial, operational, and technical data; and any other information that could be subject to intellectual property rights. 

V.                 OPERATING AGENT refers to the U.S. DOT’s Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (the Volpe Center), which operates the ITS Peer to Peer Program and facilitates the approval of Peer requests; travel approvals, logistics, funding, and reimbursements; selects ITS peers in cooperation with the ITS Joint Program Office Professional Capacity Building Program, ITS America and other associations and agencies, as necessary; and manages reporting processes and requirements related to peer exchanges.




Travel funding is provided by the ITS Peer to Peer Program through the Volpe Center.  Time/labor and other expenses are not reimbursable under the ITS Peer to Peer Program.  Travel by PEERS and APPLICANTS must comply with Federal Travel Regulations (FTR).  The Volpe Center will not reimburse travel expenses that do not comply with the FTR.  The Volpe Center will provide travel guidance to PEERS and APPLICANTS prior to a peer event.




When you participate in the Program as a HOST, you agree to provide the Program with a Event Evaluation upon completion of the peer exchange.  The Event Evaluation and other materials generated by the peer exchange may be used as a basis for future Talking Technology and Transportation webinars, lessons learned, FAQ documents, or other learning materials, unless previously negotiated by the HOST and the ITS Peer to Peer Program. 


PEERS provide expert advice, experience-based knowledge, and lessons learned to broaden understanding of the issues involved in your particular challenges.  In accepting the PEER input, you and your agency agree assume responsibility for ensuring the reasonableness and soundness of the advice received by the PEER thus not holding either the U.S. DOT, the Volpe Center, any IDENTIFYING AGENCIES such as ITS America or the PEER responsible for outcomes following you and your agency’s decision to act upon the advice given. 




A.)    Assignment.  Participation in the Program is not subject to any assignment.  Any attempted or actual assignment shall be void.

B.)     Entire Agreement.  This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior understanding, written agreement, or oral agreement relative to said matter.

C.)    Policy Against Discrimination.  All activities pursuant to this Agreement shall comply with all laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination on the grounds of race, color, creed, national origin, handicap, religion, gender, and marital status in providing for facilities and service to the public.

D.)    Relationship of Parties.  PEER is not an employee, office, agent, or independent contractor of the Federal Government, and has no authority to act on behalf of the Federal Government.  Peer is liable for his/her conduct at all times, and shall hold the Federal Government harmless for any negligent or willful acts or omissions of the HOST, his or her employees, officers, agents, directors, invitees, contractors, or consultants that may cause harm to the PEER, HOST, other PEERS, or to the Program. 

E.)     Security and Safety.  While on the premises of the HOST, the PEER shall comply with all safety and security requirements at the HOST’s facility.  Further, the HOST shall take all reasonable steps and precautions to prevent any accident and to preserve the life and well being of the PEER, the HOST’s personnel, and the general public. 

F.)     Prohibition Against Marketing of Peer Services.  All of our peers are required to abide by a set of rules when engaging with you.  During a peer exchange, peers are bound by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Conflict of Interest Policy.  Under these regulations, a peer is not allowed to market services to you beyond the technical expertise he or she delivers in the peer exchange.